If you were an audience member for Group One's and/or Group Two's presentation(s), please refer to our marking criteria, your notes and your memory and write a short paragraph describing your impressions of the presentation(s). What were the positive aspects of the presentation(s), and what could be improved? Please give honest yet constructive criticism, keeping in mind that the blog is a public forum.
PART II. Self-evaluation
If you are a member of Group One or Group Two, please consider your presentation carefully and then answer the following questions:
- What grade do you expect to receive for your presentation and why? (Please refer closely to our marking criteria).
- Which aspects of your presentation were you happy with? Which aspects were you less than happy with? Please explain.
- What problems (if any) did you experience while preparing the presentation and how did you solve them?
- Was it useful to have class time to work on this assignment? Was it enough? Too little? Too much? Please explain.
- Overall, would you say this was a positive/useful learning experience? Please explain.
- Do you have any suggestions to improve this process for future 101/102 students?
Section A3
Group 1
I think they were lacking grammer, making plenty of grammar mistakes. the division of work was good and all the members in the group seemed to contribute well and equal in the presentation. They could've used some statistics and datas to support their thesis but it's ok. Overall I'd give them a (B-).
Group 2
That group did a really good job with their presentation. They used statistics, datas, evidences, for support and that made the presentation very interesting and realistic. They had graphics, charts and schemes, for this reason there was the ease of listening and following the flow of the presentation. Some key-definitions were stressed out to support their thesis, such as baby-boom and Freud being mentioned, which quite enlightened the subject.
Some may not agree but it felt like one girl did most of the work and others were somewhat weaker in presenting their work and contributing in the whole process.
In conclusion, I'd give them an (A-).
Thanks for your balanced comments Mete - I would just like to remind everyone at this point that you do not need to suggest grades for other presentations, just your own.
Group 1
I thought the presentation for A Raisin In The Sun was really informative.Despite it's length,it was a very fluent presentation.I liked how the group members took quotations from the film and talked according to them.Overall it was really good but while I don't remember who,one student really lacked in grammer.
Group 2 (which was my group)
1-A- because sometimes we weren't too focused on the movie but otherwise I thought we did a good job.
2-I was happy with the way we presented the movie on many levels.Gani's ''Lying For Dummies' part was certainly a very interesting approach to the movie =P. I can't say I wasn't happy about a certain thing but If I had to say something perhaps we could talk about some themes of the movie inmore detail. Overall,I thought everyone did well.
3-We didn't experience any problems.Everyone was given their part and did their best.
4-It was certainly useful to have class time to at least plan what we were generally going to talk about.It was enough time because after some time everyone started to work on their part of the presentation.
5-It was a useful learning experience to watch a film, find it's themes and work on it with group members.
6-Maybe they could be given a certain theme (in this case family ties) and choose the films themselves.
actually I like both two groups and 2nd group used statistics or evidences to support their presentation it makes more realistic but there were lots of shimmery thing and for me it shouldnt be in academic presentation.
Group 1
I think they used the time very well and also presented as a whole group. Their speech was good enough to understand. If they used more visual objects, their presentation would be more better.
Group 2
They ran out of time because they used lots of scenes to explain but the criticising of the scenes were very good. If they used some keywords with the pictures or when they were talking, it would be much better to keep in touch with the audience.
Group 1
They was the group just before us and was the first example that we can compare with our presentation.
And honestly i was like "damn they are good"
Seems like they really did some research and they was really good at fitting the information in their presentation. Their speaking skills was satisfactorily and time management was really good also.
Only weakness i can say was their presentation felt so "professional" i mean it was good but not very interesting.
And they used so much text on powerpoint in my humble opinion.
Group 2:
That was our group. I must admit that we were like "how we gonna fill that 40 minutes" thats why our time management was a total failure and %95 of negative feedbacks were "its too long" "too much scenes" of course i am ignoring the fact that people want us to finish earlier to leave the class.
And a second negative feedback was about "they did too much reading" i
dont know how my mates did their parts but honestly, only reason that i was looking at my laptop all the time that my speaking skills are even lower then my acrobathics. I only checked my notes like 1 or 2 times.
Third one was, "they were using too many scenes" i totally agree that we overdosed the scenes a bit but that film was all about symbols and it was really hard to show them without scenes.
I prefered to use screenshots instead of scenes but i believe character analysis would be much better with actual scenes instead of screenshots.
The most obvious weakness of our presentation was usage of powerpoint but didnt get and feedbacks about that. In fact we came up with some great ideas but since noone was good at powerpoint, we had to really simplify it.
And the good part of our presentation was deep analysis i think (and most of positive feedbacks agrees) due to fact i personally watched the film half a million times i even got some analysis that most famous reviewers missed. And Mert's scene analysis was awsome i think.
I was in Group 2. I believe our presentation was good in sense of criticizing based on both symbols and scene analysis. In some parts, there were readings rather than giving a speech. We have passed the estimated time for the presentation. The discussion about how to define Mrs. Robinson in a correct word toke a little bit more than expected; but such struggle also provided the over expansion of Mrs. Robinson, which is I believe a good thing in order to inform the audience more.
The significance of scenes and screenshots supported the themes and also provided a good visual. I want to give an advice here which is to use scene and screenshots instead of customizing the powerpoint slides, because scenes inform the audience much more than customizes slides. My one group member read instead of speaking with eye contact. I wasn’t happy while i try to find the exact time in the film in order to show the exact scene. That was hard for me to use the mouse so sensitive. We had to meet out of class, because I think the outside removes the pressure which is experienced in class; the studying person isn’t limited by the rules of a classroom (silence) and is able to study in every possible ways. (As an example, some people show a better performance while listening to music).
Another advice would be to use the class times wisely, because sometimes group members don’t know each other well and as time gets closer, it becomes difficult to estimate the division of labor. It was the hardest thing I guess. I can’t trust myself about the “grade your group” thing, honestly it scares me. All I can say is we tried to meet the expectations such as making eye contact, presenting without reading (almost), usage of visual and answering the questions. The presentation is a good way to learn. It would be better to distribute a page with keywords and themes to the class by each group as a study guide.
As of group 1, the thesis statement was supported by trustworthy references and they apply the themes in films into reality in a good way. Explaining more, they managed to explain the context in film, racism, by integrating into reality, which is a good thing. All members speak almost the same time interval which shows the equality between members. There were pauses during the presentation which effect the fluency and i believe they could use more scenes to talk about, so that the audience could both have more information and also could criticize the film in a healthier way.
I tried to create paragraphs by pressing "tab" but it didn't work out. Sorry about that.
Group 1
It was a good presentation. The group members did some research and they presented very good, but their slides were uncolored.Their speaking skills are very clear and all group members spoke the same time. ıf they used more picture or more quotations from the film, their presentation would be more enjoyable.
Group 2
It was a very enjoyable presentation. The group members took quotations from the film which makes their presentation more colorful and they criticized the scenes very good. on the other hand, I think their presentation was a bit long and some of the group members has low voice, so it was difficult to understand them.
Groupe one its us =)
i dont really want to talk about it beacuse who wouldnt like there own work LOL(laughing out loud) =)
i think we desireve A becuase it was a great presintation we simplise the movie good and represent to the class not as a boring way no one was talking i notice that and thise show that they were interested in our work.. our aim first aim was to make is simple as people can understand and will get there attention. İ think we did a good work
i was at happy with all of the presntation it could be better if the rest of the members come and help us.. we try to cover there work but it wasnt perfect as our parts that was done with carefullness
we were so excited specialy me i forgor to say couple sentences =( at the last
the class time we couldnt really use because of the all the groupl was never there so i can not really say any thing abouth thise
yes i will say it was a good exprience for us
i ithnk the movies should be choosen by the students and shoul be conferm by the teacher for us i really like the movie it was one of my favorites but it was luck !
Grup 2
ithink they had done a good job. İ thought it was to long and had to many effects on it after a surten time it was hard to concentrate other than that it was a good i guess and they usally focus on the side that sonja was so other parts they really didnt look at and the trail was a good tihng its a bonus i think and they didnt pass there time
congratulations group 2 u have done a great job keep up the great work
Group 1
They really did good job they were well-organised and they worked systematically, time using was very well and also thye controlled the idea of film but they did some grammar mistakes while speaking. This is normal for oral presentations, I think content is much more important then grammar.
Group 2
They also did very good job they gave us the message of film especially Gani's part was interesting for audience. However if they more concantrate on powerpoint slide and if they showed us much more details about film it could be much more attarctive.
Consequently both teams did nice job.
For the first group:
The information that they gave about the movie was relevant and they were good in persuading. I think there were too much written information on the powerpoint, i was too lazy to read all of them. But it was a good presentation, except writing too much on the slides.
For the second group which i was a member of:
First of all, I don’t think that having a colour pink or shiny things does not mean that ‘’it is not academic’’. The information that we got the importance that we gave, our way of talking and other things can show that we take it serious and it was an academic presentation. If the movie is about love, it is normal to have the colour pink or motives. Academic does not mean black and white; we were not talking about politics and other serious issues. This is what I think. We prepared well and we did a good job I think I don’t know which grade we should receive actually. Audiences were listening to us and I think it is because we were doing it enjoyable and giving background about music and 1960’s were interesting. For example, when I was searching about the 1960’s I found the information such as baby boom very interesting. There were some technical problems which we were not expecting. I think it is good to experience talking in front of others, because of this, I think this assignment was really beneficial for us.
Group 1
I think it is a good presentation. They used the time well; it is not too long or too short. Division of work is also good. Everyone seemed to contribute equaly. I just do not like the music they used. It is distracting.
Group 2
I think it is a good presentation as well. They didn't only talk about their movie, they also gave information about baby boom and Freud. It makes the presentation more interesting. Also using shemes is a good idea. But I think it is quite long and division of work is not equal
i think they used time well enough and their speech was very clear.if they would use more powerpoint slides with pictures or screenshots from the film their presentation would be more better.
They used a lot of scenes and videos from the film and that was very long for the limited time. but i think they explained the film and characters very well.
Group 1
It was obvious that they were prepared well and their character analyses of the film was very good. I think the main problem with this group is that they did not manage to make good group presentation, their work as individuals were impressing, I saw 4 interesting individual presentation, but as a group I think they were unlucky to be the first to represent.
Group 2
That is my group with Berke, Gani and Emre
In my point of view the most important thing for this presentation is that how much we enjoyed during the presentation and now I'm quite happy to see that we all enjoyed it so does the audience.(I hope:)). We were lucky as we had watched the first presentation so we had pretty much ideas about what to do and not to.
I'd like to thank to Gani that he pretty much explained "how to lie" It was very fun, still it is interesting that he's answering a question with a question in the class. (cause he told that this is the worst thing to do:))
And I agree with Berke that if we would chosen our film it would be better, as "Secrets & Lies" is one of the most neurotic, depressive film I had ever watched. (twice:'()
Part 1
Group 2
I think their presentation was good. They have nice character analysis. They used time efficiently. Maybe they can put more pictures. However, like me, they have less eye contact. They might not read from their paper.
Group 1
When Salih, Ceren and me did our presentation, I think we made an effort. We tried to find useful academic texts and read a lot of essays and critics. I believe we found nice pictures and our presentation was visually so pretty. I congratulate my group members, Ceren and Salih. I think they worked hard and they told their parts well. Their language was understandable. I also worked hard but I knew that I could not have eye contact with spectators. I was so nervous! That is my weakness!
Overall, I give my group A-.
Section A3
Group1: I like their presentation. It was brief, not too long, and not too short. They divided work very well, every member talked equally, but it will be better if they could give a short summary of the film, it would make easier to understand.
Group2: Their presentation was good, they used graph etc. which made presentation more comprehensible, but I found it very girlish and they did not divide their work equally, girls were dominant in the presentation. Also, it was to glittery, in my opinion it lost is academicism.
At first i want to talk about the lack of presentations. I think Group 1 used insufficient visuals with some effects. Also thesis statement could be more sample, shorter or more brief could be more effective, i guess. The group didn't focus on film analysis so much.
Group 2 couldn't share their presentation parts equally. Some group members presented so little parts. Especially one part was just read.
Pozitive points:
Group 1 gave information which is quite good about background. Some members performed quite good while presenting this.I think their thesis statement was proper.
Group 2 made really good film analysis. It was explicit that they searched the movie well.
Most of the members performed well,too.
Group 1
ThThey used their time so efficiently. I liked the way that they present not by one by but also giving chance to each other to talk more than a one time during the presentation. Also the idea to show some scenes from the video is a vivid thought to demonstrate your sentences while presenting. I think also that they could not stamp to the history and they make little grammar mistakes as they are students not experts on it. However, there is a big mistake that all of the group members make in their presentation by only looking into teacher’s eye and they were just like ignoring the audiences. Indeed, I think it is a big disrespectfulness.
Group 2
The very same problem can be seen easily in this group presentation about which is direct eye contact issue with audience. They overloaded mass information upon audience, it made nearly impossible to catch the ideas and follow the presentation with full of understanding. One of the group members was just sitting and looking directly to the page that he prepared, all the time. Two of them were also making their presentation, even without using PowerPoint for only one time. This also make nearly impossible to imagine and build up strong visualization of movie in our minds as audiences. As it is predictable that when they asked for questions there were nearly no question came up to minds because no one could become adapted fully to their subject and get familiar with it. On the other hand, they adjust their time brilliantly and finished it without getting any trouble in timing.
1) First group was my group, whom I would give a 'B' based on the oral presentation criteria we can read on Sucourse. The content was relevant, our language was fluent except some small grammar mistakes, we answered the questions in a competent manner, the delivery of the information was natural, we had good materials, as we put some film scenes and dialogues of that scenes to our slides. Unluckily we had some problems about organizing the timing of every group member's part, but we used the time effectively. Because of the defectiveness of organizing, the other three talked when one was presenting his/her part. This problem was caused by the bayram holiday, which didn't give us a chance to meet and ponder on the presentation a little bit more.
I think, there was enough time in the class to work on the presentation, but the students don't know how to use the time effectively. Personally, it could be more useful, if I made a more advanced research during the class time.
In my point of view, preparing a presentation by watching a movie is a useful way of learning, because watching and analyzing a movie is more enjoyable than reading a book and writing an essay to express our ideas for instance. This situation prevents the students from the feeling of obligation.
2) I like Gani's part, which had the title 'How to lie'. I was losing my concentration until Gani began to speak. His part was a chance for the group to rivet the audience's attention on the presentation again. However I was confused at one point. One of the group members said, that the film was in fact not about lies, because the film characters don't lie, they just prefer not to say anything to each other. On the other hand they talked too much about lies. In general, it was a well prepared presentation. It was obvious, that the group members liked the movie, therefore they enjoyed the presentation too.
Group 1)Explaining backgrounds of film and analyzing character were well enough, however in some parts, they repeated themselves by emphasizing same topic. Also strong sides of this presentation is their thesis statement which relevant judgment of film. On the other hand, group number sometimes talked between themselves and lost eye contact, this situation was unrespectful to audience.
Group 2)Listening this group was very enjoyable and they speaked fluently.Also I think they did not give enough details about film, it was difficult to understand critical points or backgrounds of film. In addition,similarly group one they sometimes lost eye contact to audience.
group 1
I think it was obvious that they did a good team work. but i think they could have given a summary of the movie first for those of us who had not seen the movie. and they were lacking some visual objects but still i think they did a good job and the presentation was not boring. at least not for me.
group 2
ı liked that they did not just talk about the movie but also about freud and baby boom which made the presentation more interesting. the comparison between the new and the old version of the movie was a good idea too.they introduced the family first with pictures which made it easier to catch up with the presentation but i have to say that i did not feel like it was a team work.
section D3
i think first gruop which present a raisin in the sun had a good pp job but in thier speech they repeated eachother sometimes. on the other hand one of our friend used turkish between his speech.
second groups presentation was more exclusive than first one. ın gani's speech he emphasise good point by using his own lying experiences but the job was not shared equally in this group. other things were ok.
my self evaulation for first group is 19 and second one for is 22.
section d3
Group 1 - I think the first group which presented A Raisin in The Sun done a really good job. Their division of work is equal. Everybody did their own part in a good way. It can easily see that they spent a lot of time on their powerpoint presentation. However their slides backgrounds are too dark.
Group 2 - This group also did a good job. Actually I impressed with the Berke's performance. He talk when it was necessary and did not dominate the group. However Deniz, Gani and Emre also do a good job. Gani's part about "lie" Deniz's general knowledge about the movie and the index of the Emre's presentation are also impressed me. But I cannot say that the division of work was good.
Part 1: For group 2 it was obvious that they spent time on their power point, i was really impressed with the content and the organization of this. I think group members Berke and Emre talked less however, they gave more information about the movie like it should have been. Gani's and Deniz's performances were also good. It was fun to listen to them, however i think they missed the point of presenting a movie a little bit. They sometimes talked too much about experienced which i think was not the essential thing to do in a presentation. They should have been a little bit more concentrated on content and background of the movie.
Part 2:Group 1 was my presentation group.I expect an A or a B from our presentation.I'm not sure which one would be more suitable. Concerning the oral presentation criteria, i can say our presentation was relevant and our examples and analysis were really strong. We used the time effectively and our language was usually fluent. I was happy with the powerpoint and contents of our presentation; however, although everybody's presantation was fine individually, we had some lack of communication overall. The biggest problem about our presentation was because we're good friends it was hard for us to stop chatting and concentrate on our work. We solved this problem by working indivudially and staying apart from each other:) I think it was useful to have a class time to work on our work. Because our teacher was together with us so we were able to get some ideas from her and i think class time was enough. However, i think we should have had our class time later, a sooner time to our presentation date would be more useful for us because we could have more material and more questions to ask to our teacher. I think it was a useful learning experience because i it was the first presentation in my life and it helped me to have experience on it. What i suggest to other students is i think they shouldn't start doing their work at last days and spend a lot of time on it.
Group 1
In my opinion first group was very well organized and their language before audience was fluent and clear so we didn't have difficulties in order to understand what they mean during presentation. Moreover the rate of mistakes at presentation was very low. It is obvious they took heed of the job and did what they could best. Their approach to the subject also impressed me and erased almost all of questions in my mind. However I had to express some negative points that I'd realized in class; they had some problems in work order especially while helping each other who could not continue due to some problems associated with remembering. However as a result it did not break the flow of presentation.
Group 2
I think it was very intelligent and great as well. Particularly during Gani's time the audience including me laughed very much due to Gani's very different style while telling his expressions. Hence it is meaning of that Gani and his team-mates did their task successfully. They had chosen different ways to tell their ideas on the film and achieved something in these ways. Before I congratulate them I should add that I totally agree with my friend Ahmet Cevdet , They had always set up eye contact with sonja as if there is no any other people in class. It means they had ignored us and this can not be acceptable. However they had worked much and I congratulate them.
Section B3
Group 1
Firstly I want to say that we made a great efford and spent much time to put pictures in the slide and to make the animations on writings. We have made a lot of research and tried to make the slide attractive to make audience impressed. However I could not make eye contact with audience even I tried too much as I got excited and did not want to pass the sentences that I wanted to say. I can not remember well but maybe I made some grammer mistakes when I was speaking which can be a negative point for us. As my friens Ezgi and Salih prepared well, we did not have any problems. Everybody made their work on their own at right time. We tried to follow the rules that was written in criteria and we can get A- I think. It was very useful to have class time as we could not find time to come together except of class time. It was a great experience for me to learn especially preparing a presentation, working as a team and talking in front of audience.
Group 2
That group did great job however their slide was not so attractive. They could use colourful background. Their language was not fluent and they have less visual importance. But their thesis statement was interesting and the character analysis was good. I could clearly understood the relationship between characters and their acts.
Section B3
Group II
They made great character analysis and they used visuals from the film efficiently. I think problems about their presentation were about eye-contact and speaking skills. However I also think that this problem is common for all 4 groups in our section that completed their presentations.
Group 1 (Self-Evaluation)
2.I was more than happy with the research and analysis we did on the movie. We analyzed the film deep with its relation to context in a balanced way that we didn't lose our focus yet (much thanks to Ezgi and Ceren's dedication to not lose the focus and restrain my wishes to go away from main topic). Our slides had images from and related to film and they didn't have too much writing and we didn’t read from the slides anytime (except 2 quotes, poem and thesis statement as far as I remember). On the negative side we didn't include any scene from the movie in the presentation, which could be a positive addition maybe. However the more apparent negative was the lack of eye-contact, grammar mistakes and other general presentation skills, like the most other groups.
3.Our main problems were:
1. Finding a solid thesis statement.
2. Limited scope of topic and assigning it with our film.
3. Dividing and organizing the work.
4. Doing the presentation as the first group, especially after a week-long holiday and having only 1 day in school to merge our work.
4. I think that class time that is 3 week before presentation is not useful, as it is hard to motivate on a work which is 3 week later (at least for me). So I guess the 3 lessons on the week just before the presentations would be enough and those class times will be used efficiently (especially by the first group) for class time group work and 1 or 2 additional lessons would be used for reference, database tutorials expectations etc.
5. Positive, I have learned many things about the civil rights movement in U.S.
6. Don't start presentations on a Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday after a weeklong holiday.
1. I think we answered the presentation question well, our presentation was informative, organized in a way to lead conclusion. However we lacked in language aspect and we could have a direct reference (scene) from the movie (maybe). So I would give us an A-.
1 small thing that I forgot. Both groups (actually all 4 upto now) divided work and time equally between the people, which I think is very importnant in a group work.
I was in group 1 and we made "American Beauty". I expect really high grade im not sure but maybe A because we did our best and prepared quite well for the presentation. We divided our work and talked equally and helped each other. We made our presentation simple to be understandable and did not add unnecessary informations,talked about important points. We avoid to put long sentences to our slides and prepared some papers but maybe we could read a bit much. Even some mistakes, intelligibility,fluenty and informativity of the presentation of the film was quite good and i hope that these covered our mistakes thats why i expect high grade. Also we encountered with a huge problem. Till the day before presentation we were 5 but last night 2 of us disappeared i dont have any idea about them. We told them to do some parts of the presentation and they said ok we will do but last night when we are waiting for their parts they didnot send anything and it was kinda rude actually.Therefore, there occurs some insufficiency and distortion but not our mistakes.Apart from these, the given time for presentations is really enough but could be less 10 minites maybe though almost none of the groups completed the whole hour. Another thing is that presentations are useful i think because to talk in front of audiences is not that easy and could result in being excited especially because of the reason of having grades. But for the future these presentations are preperation. It could be more useful if the proportion of presentation grades is less than 25% because by high proportion of the grade it gives way to get excited for us.
Group 1
I think they have done a successful job. They shared missions equally and they had a good contact with audiences. They had also nice powerpoint presentation.But it could be more attractive
Group 2
that's our group. I think we have done good job because this boring film could not present more funny and attractive than we did.Sometimes we could not focus on movie but I think these parts were the most enjoyable times for audiences.However, we could have more connection in our group when we were presenting.
Group 1
1-2) In my opinion, our presentation deserves a grade around 70- 80. There are several reasons i gave this point aspect it's weakness' and some positive parts.
Firstly, i found us really weak in terms of speaking. We know that it's definitely about practice, even though we spend a lot of time on presentation individually, we didn't give enough importance to speaking.
Another weakness of the presentation was our organization we were well prepared it didn't run as we expected.
Secondly, as well as weakness' the presentation had some affirmative point that i was we got many good comments such as detailed characterization, detailed information about film and good commentating on film.
3)we got some getting together problems and a little about computer design. we solved the computer problem quite easy but getting together problem was hard to solve that's why everyone worked by themselves in one part of presentation. Perhaps our organization problem is caused by lack of working together.
4) honestly i don't think we used that time as useful as it supposed to be.
5) i think it was a funny and useful learning experience. and it was a chance to watch a film by all aspects and details.
Group 1
Their organization was really good. Everybody knew when they come into speech and stop talking.Nobody talked at the same time or each other while one of them speaks to audience so I could understand and follow their presentation. In addition, their knowledge that are searched were really enough and satisfactory. However, they could use more visual parts from the film and so it could be more effective and enjoyable.
Group 2
They used time very well and they used lots of scenes from the movie and it was very enjoyable so people could want to watch this film like me. They showed really effective symbols and it was very nice and amazing=).However, their organization was not good because one of them talked too much and one didnt, she only read the summary of the film from laptop.
Thank all of them =)
section c3
grop 1
In my point of view, group 1's job was harder than other groups due to being 3 pupils. They talked larger per-person than other groups and maybe it could lead to hard-concentration when they reach to end of presentation. Their information background was obviously well-prepared. If we want to talk about improvable points, we can give too many writings on the display. and maybe there was a little bit lack of fluency during some parts of their presentation
group 2
They were apparently well-prepared and have really a fluent language and well language skills. But the exceed time can be given as an example to improvable points. the cut movie scenes were effective.
Section C3
Group 1
Their presentation was really good. They use their time efficiently and their speech is good for understand and they made subject very interesting. However if they could use more visual effects and coloured themes, it would be very nice.
Group 2:
In my opinion their presentation is one of the best presentation I've ever seen. Their movie was very interesting, they made very good powerpoint presentation and their analysis about film is nearly faultless. Videos in presentation makes subject very exciting.Only negative thing in their presentation is time issues. It was very long presentation maybe because of movie however it sometimes made presentation very boring. Although it was a negative effect, i think their presentation is very good; nearly perfect.
I'm one of the members 1st group in section C3 so I evaluate own group firsly.
1)I expect to recieve B+. We transfer author's message clarly. We divide the parts for each person so we dont cause conflct. Most importantly we try to use references as much as possibly. Our presentation does not excced 30 min. very much. However, we cannot be fluent in some parts and it could be better if we use more visual things about movie.
2) I see the positive comments of audiences and they of course make me happy. Comments show that most of audiences can follow presentation clearly and i think it was most crucial thing for presentation. In negative side, I can recognize that we might use more part of movie so our presentation could be more attractive.
3) While preparing the presentation, video sound was problem. Sami has got Apple and he can add videos with sound but it doesn't work with machine so we decide to show video without adding to presentation.
4) I think the time is enough or it could finish one lesson early. However, it could be better to more effective unless we didn't work like a self-study because I spend sometime irrelevant things before I focus on topic.
5) Yes it was completely beneficial for me. It was my first experience to present a thing in 30 minutes by using English.
6) They start to prepare presentation as much as early. It is beneficial for them to use resources from wide area.
Second presentation use a lot of visual things. They present movie very clearly but they exceed the time.
Group 1
I think they had a disadvantage of being the first group in the presentations, but they used this disadvantage as a advantage point by preparing their presentation very good as individuals. Introduction which is done by Sidar was very impressive. he used his vocabulary knowledge very good, this makes audiences to be curious about the movie. Another good point (as i remember right) showing some scenes from the movie. first weakness of the presentation was the sharing and harmony of group members. i think they do their parts of the presentation as individuals, so when they gathered parts together there were some weaknesses. another weaknesswas the eye contact which is the main problem in every presentation.
group 2
Sharing parts and harmony of the group is the best which is presentated by the groups. They used time perfectly and they spoke very fluently and nobody dominated the presentation. in spite of being very depressed as they told us, they enjoyed very much during presentation. only the weakness was they presentated their presentation not to us, to just sonja.
Group 1
They had grammer mistakes but i think it is not a crucial point while making a presentation. Talking fluently is more important than grammer. The division of work was orginised and perfectly designed power point did not put the audience to sleep.
The division of work was not good enough but they made good up for their deficiency by talking fluently and also the context of their presentation was available for additions at the end of their words.
Group 1
They presented ''A Raising in The Sun''. They timed the presentation very well. Also, they speak very fluently and it is not boring. They prepared very well that their slides are very attractive. They used enough pictures on their slides. They have directly eye contact with us. I could not find any negative things about their presentations. They had really good job :))
Group 2
That is my group with Ozan, Kerem and Buket.
We presented '' Secrets and Lies''. Unfortunately, we cannot use the time very efficiently and we cannot complete forty minutes. I think, we were successful at character analysis that everybody could understand easily. It was our first presentation that we were very nervous.
Group 1
I think did really very good job. Their speaking skills are very well. Their presentation was very interesting. I easily focused on the presentation. Their timing and work dividing are successful. Moreover their slide show was also attractive, they used nice pictures from the movie.
Group 2
My group...
In my opinion we presented not really good indeed. Actually I find our speaking weak. Maybe we could use more eye contact. On the other hand I think our character analyzing was nice.
Group 1
They were generally good. They gave good information and it was enough. Visual quality was also good. Writings can be read easily. Their pictures were also nice. Their speaking skills and fluencies were good. I did not bore when I was listening. One thing I want to say that the historical part was a little bit long, they could make it shorter. However we can understand that they have worked well.
Group 2
I think they were not good enough. Visual quality was not bad but it was dark, they might use bright colors. Eye contact was not enough and they could not use the time efficiently. However they made a good character analysis.
Group 1: A raisin in the Sun
This presentation was good in spite of the being first group. They spoke fluently. It was obvious that they prepared.
Group 2: Secrets and Lies
The second group can transact the first group because they had just watched the first group. I like this presentation too. It was fluent and of course enjoyable, especially the part of methods of lie:)
I think both two groups' presentation is fine. Ofcourse there ara some grammer mistakes as we all did. However, group 1 contributed very well and group two's statistics made the presentation more interesting. They used their time well.It is obvious that both of them worked hard for this.
Section B3:
Group 1
First group at our section was the group that made me think we will seriously have to work hard for our presentation. It was obvious that they spent lot of time and made great effort. They gave detailed information about the historical background about the movie. Their language was very fluent and accurate, they used various vocabulary. They didn't seem nervous but i can't tell that they made good eye contact. Their powerpoint was well prepared, it consisted the visual information we oughta have. They adjusted the time well, all speakers used sufficient time to express themselves.
Group 2:
Second group at our section made the presentation about the movie Secrets and Lies. Their language was not very fluent but simple, so it was easy to understand. Their powerpoint could contain more visuals that way it could be more appealing. They used the time efficiently, all members spoke equally.
Section B3
Group 1
The presentation was visually satisfying. The background color was not dark, which was a positive point. Work was equally distributed amongst the group members. Background information in the beginning was interesting and it made me want to listen to more of the movie. The group members spoke very fluently and they sure studied well together. Thumbs Up :)
Group 2
The best part was the character analysis(əˈnæləsɪs) =). However, I think that this presentation was the one that had the most points to be improved. Skill of speech was the lowest amongst the groups. At least they could try to speak without reading from a notebook. There was something unique to this presentation. Group members spoke in short intervals so each person got to speak for a few turns. This was the dynamic behind the presentation which made it kind of attractive. However, the dark background color was a very bad choice.
I was a member of group 1 and I think our background knowledge about the film was good but we might find a little more information but I think it was okay. Especially me, I couldn't speak well and fluently and it disturbed the presentation.
For the group 2
They was better than us and after I watch their presentation I lose my hope about the high grade:) Their data and presentation were really detailed and explanatory. But I think there was just a negative way with this group and that was division of labor. It may be better if the work was divided equally.
group 1
They had a good thesis statement to begin with, and combining it with some good background information, they had a good presentation. Their nervousness is acceptable since they were the first group to present and they were 3 people.
group 2
I think this was the best presentation we watched. I don't if it is because of the film's quality, but I had a great time during this presentation. The film and symbols analysis were great, and it was clear that they did extensive research for selecting the scenes. One person read while presenting, but apart from that, it was a great presentation.
Generalyy i like them all but some point are realy boring for audience because presenters always reading fro paper or slayts and too much writings on slayts
Group 1
In my opinion they were really good at all. Their speech was fluent and apprehensible. Also their slide was enough good . I like their presentation really much .
Group 2
Their speech was a little bit boring but it was enough . Maybe they can talk a little bit faster to make it easy to listen . Their slide front was black and it wasn't interesting and tiresome.
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