Locate all references to distance (emotional and physical) in the text. How does the concept of distance change as the story progresses? How are these changes related to notions of subjectivity and objectivity? How do they relate to Rolf Carlé? To the narrator?
What ironic contrasts can you find between Azucena's and Rolf Carlé's journeys in the story? What role does the theme of religion/spirituality play here?
Comment on the role of photojournalism in the modern world.
1) The concept of distance here is not the one we know as the part between different locations. It’s the bond formed by the combination of struggles and the ambition to save people by an aftermath.
Even though there were miles between the narrator and Rolf Carle, both of them were connected to each other by the aim which is spirit of saving Azucena (even tough in different ways). While Rolf Carle is trying to keep her conscious by talk and coffee, the narrator was struggling to persuade senators, commandos and ambassadors to provide the logistics needs such as the pump and use media (radio & television) to call help across globe while at the same time watching Rolf. “Nonetheless, I was there with him. The child's every suffering hurt me as it did him; I felt his frustration, his impotence.” The impact of girl’s inevitability on both the narrator and Rolf forms a spiritual bond between them and this connection gets even stronger when the narrator realizes that Rolf struggles much more than any event he has experienced before, to support her in any way. She mentions this by the following phrase: “Even from that enormous distance I could sense the quality of his weariness, so different from the fatigue of other adventures.”
The part where the intersection of painful souls (the narrator and Rolf) met is when more media equipments (lenses, recorders, lights) arrive in order to visualize Azucena. “the distance seemed suddenly compressed, and I had the horrible sensation that Azucena and Rolf were by my side, separated from me by impenetrable glass. I was able to follow events hour by hour” At this point, everything that Rolf has done for Azucena’s road to salvation is recorded and sent through media at a lossless quality which provides the narrator to receive the every detail she needs, removing any possible doubts, because before, the image quality was poor and full communication wasn’t possible causing doubts in narrator’s head. In addition, the consolation of Azucena by the narrator’s stories emphasizes the direct participation of the narrator for the salvation of Azucena. So I assume that now there is almost no distance.
Nevertheless, the distance between Azucena and Rolf was the minimum when she gave him consolation after the point of accepting her imminent death. Also when she mentions she never tasted love and stated Rolf is the only one with true love for her, “Rolf assured her that he loved her more than he could ever love anyone, more than he loved his mother, more than his sister” I became %100 percent that she and Rolf were kind of forged like two critic partsof a sword. None survivies without the other.
The following one is a unique, because all of the above were between different characters; but this one is an internal distance which is between Rolf’s childhood character and the present character. Azucena’s misery situation reminds Rolf his childhood memories and caused him to face the past life he doesn’t seem to enjoy. All the memories filled with “humiliation”, shame, fear and regret (like seeing the mother naked, punishment by dad because of misbehavior and having a retarded sister), he began to think of them rather than leaving at the very bottom of his mind. In a way, he faced the past he‘s scared of, even for a little time.
2) Rolf didn't know how to pray and it's Azucena who tought him to pray. The reason why Rolf is intended to learn praying is to hope the religion as an an element for the
survival of Azucena by expecting help from god. He could wish to help her by this way, but due to lack of knowledge he couldn’t and it’s Azucena who told him how to do in order to save herself. Also the consolation of Rolf by the girl is another contrast, because even tough Azucena is the one who needs the consolation because of the misery she is involved, she provides spiritual support to Rolf who suffers from his past.
3) I think the role of photojournalism, in this particular case, is totaly depend on the photographer who will choose a very strick side between the ethics of both profession and humanity. A photographer, as a professional, is supposed to take the shot to show the unique reality of a natural disaster (volcano) and the opportunity is kind of one shot. The human part presumably insists that a help is necessary to save the victim. The paradox is that if the photographer helps and saves, then the capability of the shot such as the the pure evidence of the reality (a mirror) would be lost. All the emotion, all the indication of a last hour (maybe minutes) could be gone and the reality in such extreme case could never be told to others by media. On the other hand, the idea of showing the reality to millions of others may cause a massive emotional awareness against natural disasters and drag masses to help victims more dynamic. Also there should be a consideration of sense of guilty as well, because probably the unique shot will provide a significant budget. So the role of photojournalism is related to ethics of the photographer.
Wow, Mert, you've shown some really powerful analysis. I especially liked the idea that Azucena and Rolf were like "two part of a sword" and that "neither survives without the other". I think this captures their relationship nicely. You've also captured the dilemma of the photojournalist's job and outlined the very difficult position such a person is placed in when s/he is present at a disaster on this scale. I think other students should read and consider these points very carefully!
The first post was written so well, I don't know how much I can add here.
1. The distance is more used as effort to get something or as time instead of its literal meaning.
The fact that a simple pump doesn't arrive but President, helicopters etc. arrives is the irony of distances. She is so close to all country through television, or to President directly, but she is far far away from a 'simple' water pump that is critical for her life.
Rolf Carle is close to everybody, he investigates history of many people through his stories. He is close to every other human's history, while he is so far away from his own past, only living through such a horrible experience was able to meet him and his past once more.
2) The first contrast of journeys appear in their directions. While Rolf journeys to his past that he hid deep in himself, Azucena travels to the uttermost point of life, death.
However the main irony is that the hopeless situation of Azucena creates a need of spirituality in Rolf instead of Azucena. The role of guide and novice are interchange, the older figure who is in a secure position, is guided by the dying girl for praying. This contrast may be a reference of the author to importance of spirituality and religion in South Americas.
3) The story (subtly) questions what should be the ultimately most important value for a photojournalist, creating an awareness of truth (shooting the photo) or changing (and improving) the reality into a better one. This another question, where there is no right answer, and I don't think that the story has a claim to find right answer. It just wants us to think about this question. The story question photojournalism also in terms of its relation to ethics and the thin line between the privacy and public awareness.
When looking to modern world, we see media changes sides on this dilemma. They may decide to hide information from public to save public interests like American media did during the Operation of Bay of Pigs (not so modern) or the recent War in Iraq, which interests the public a lot. However they push the limits of privacy for magazine news, which are not important to the public as much as aforementioned issues. There is no clear trend, but in general it is safe to assume that the values in media are also in erosion like in other areas. Media changes its position in these dilemmas according to the conditions of the day, very rapidly.
I totally agree with Salih after the first post was written I couldn’t know how much I can add.
1. I think there is no clear distance between Azucena and Rolf. He tried to help her he drank coffee and talked with her. On the other hand, the significant point is that the distance between Rolf and his childness was maximum level because for Rolf Carle the most important thing that happens during his days with Azucena is his confrontation with his dark memories. In other words Rolf is a television reporter, the first reporter to reach Azucena’s part. He has gone to her to cover the dramatic story of her rescue but, first time in his career, he isnot capable to keep his professional objectivity. He joins and leads the attempts to rescue girl, he stays beside her for three days and nights to keep her calm. As the reporter and girl talk, rolf begins to remember long repressed memories. as he realizes that he is trapped in his pain just as Azucena is trapped in the mud, he also realizes that girl will not be rescued.
2. First of all, Rolf didn't know how to pray and Azucena teached to pray. Secondly, before Azucena dies, Rolf tells her how important she has been. As the story ends he is worring for Azucena and for his own wasted youth. But confronting the girl’s death has shown him how to confront his pain and his healing has begun. And also, Rolf began to cry. Not for Azucena but for himself. Indeed , in story, Azucena thinks he is crying because of her suffering, but he tells her, “I’m crying for myself. I hurt all over.”
3. humans set their brilliant minds and their most advanced technologies against the indifferent forces of nature and every time humans are defeated. The story is set in motion by terrific eruption of volcano. Using seismographs, geologists have been capable to predict that the mountain is about to erupt, but their technology can only take them so far. In text, narrator phones every important person like present but they dont have power in order to rescue Azucena. By publishing Azucena, media awoke emotional disaster in people mind because when I saw this picture I felt very bad. Of course photojournalism must be objective but not like that.
(H.Dilara Arslan)
1) The concept of distance is also related to us. We watched the video but could not even go and comfort her. There were people that could reach her and do something for her such as sending a water pomp. Not being close enough led her die in this situation. But if we look from other way, there were other people such as photographer but they preferred not be be involved even though they were closed to her.
2)Azucena is a religious girl.She preys god because she believes that he is the only one who can save her. And i think she also believes that God must be the one who wants people be mortal.she couldn't think that there are people who are not faithful because of this, she wanted Rolf Carle to prey for her but Rolf did not even believe in god.
He was the only one who tried to save her life. But not in a way that the poor girl wanted.
3)In todays world, taking photos and being a photographer became a common job. Because of this, competion have started. Who is going to take the best photo ? Only doing the best job could make a contrast between the other photographers. Because there are a lot.
For instance, in Africa, there was a starving girl ,almost dying because of being skinny. A photographer saw her suffering in front of a vulture that is waiting her die to eat her corpse. And he only did her job and left the place. Then this photo became striking in the media. He did a good job. But what happened to his job as a human? Imagine that you are in your workplace, in your office, doing some job on your desk then in front of your office an accident occured, someone is about to die. What would you do? What would people expect from you to do? Keep doing your work on your office or do your work as a human?
I think there is nothing different in the situation of this short story.
1- In my opinion, we can talk about two kinds of distances which are emotional and physical. The physical distance is between narrator and Rolf Carlé. They both wanted to save Azucena and they were far away from each other. Also, I believe there should be many people who were far from Azucena and wanted to save her. There were emotional distance between Rolf and his childhood years and his past. Rolf has started to change when we get story’s end. He started to remember his past and to face with it through the agency of Azucena.
2- Rolf was not a religious person; he did not know how to pray while Azucena was religious and pray a lot. After Rolf saw and met with Azucena he started to be more religious since Azucena was praying and believed that she can be saved, she never pretended like she is going to die, there was always hope inside of her, because she thought that god can save her. After Rolf has seen she had that hope, he has also prayed.
3- As we saw in the picture and discussed in the class, photographer took Azucena’s photo instead of saving her. In today’s modern world we face with these situations a lot as we see in the news. People just do their job when they are able to save someone or help them. Although, in ‘And of Clay Are We Created’ this is different condition from others. There were some people, who wanted to save her, but they could not be successful and there were lots of people like Azucena. May be photographer first took the picture and tried to save her and as we know there was nothing to do except finding a water pump.
Task one
I think Azucena and Rolf are so close to each other physically like he can pull her out easily. He tries to feed her, he tries to distract her. He is very close to her. But emotionally, maybe he is not. He is not a religious man, he cannot understand Azucena’s acceptance of fate or he can not feel her pain. His body stands near Azucena’s but his mind is in his childhood.
The narrator can watch them in the TV. However, she is far away from them.
Task two
Some examples of ironic situations,
North American Ambassador and the president of National Petroleum says them they will send help but they do not. But they were only “vague promises”.
Azucena is a religious girl who believes humans created from clay, and she is going back to clay like a “lily” in the mud-slide.
Although Azucena is a children she behaves solemnly, patiently and bravely like an adult but Rolf was not brave like her.
Azucena thinks that Rolf was crying because of her but he was crying for himself.
Task three
When the first time I saw Omira’s photo I felt that I can pull her out of the mud-pit and rescue her. I felt so miserable. I wanted to cry. This photo is so realistic and dramatic. I think most people who see this photo may feel same emotions because of the quality of the photo. We can still remember Colombian Volcanic eruption after 23 years later. This is the role of the photojournalism.
1. I think the relationship between Rolf Carlé and Azucena is a great example for both emotional and physical distance. At the beginning, they are two strangers, but somehow after the disaster they got connected. Rolf finds her trapped something inside the mud. He tries to help and encourage her. He waits with her until her last breath. He is there for her emotionally, but because of there is nothing to pull her off from the mud, they are physically seperated. Also we can give Rolf himself and his approach for his childhood as an example of emotional distance.
2. Azucena's desperation touches deeply on Rolf Carlé, and helps his surpressed feelings to come to surface. After many years, he faces his childhood and also himself. The irony is, when he looks at her, he sees himself at the age of Azucena's and trapped in a pit without escape. Allthough he is not a religious man, he prays for Azucena. At the end of the story, he lowers his guards against life and he appears as a man as he really are.
3. I think photo journalism has a very important role in the modern world. Photographers duty is to show reality in an objective way in order to increase the awareness. By looking at "the mirrors of the real life", people could learn about what is going on around the world. So they could have an idea about the disasters, losses, sorrows and realize that the world is not just consist of the narrow boundaries of individuals private life.
I remember the discussion that we have in the class about why photographer takes pictures instead of rescuing the girl. And I strongly disagree with this opinion. First of all, we can not know, whether s/he tries or not. Or in some cases such as Azucena's, accident victims need some technical materials.So there is nothing left to do for the photographer other than taking pictures.
1)First of all, the concept of physical distance means that though Rolf Carle who is willing to rescue Azucena from the trap has worked very hard and attempted every way he could have done , Azucena could not be saved. People led by Rolf could not eradicate the distance between life and death , achieve to resuscitate her. Secondly the concept of emotional distance refers to the interaction of Azucena with people and confrontation of Rolf with his past.Initially, Azucena who has had a lonely childhood without any love of a friend prepares herself for death because she tells that if she dies she couldn't lose anything in the world. Then in the case of Rolf who has a similar past with Azucena, it is mainly emphasized that he could not face to his regrets and pains. There had been always a wall between him and his past. However the private situation of Azucena leads distances to disaappear dramatically. Once Azucena gains in a friend who has not loved anyone as he loved her in his lifetime. After that Rolf acquire the encouragement from his brave friend in order to confront with his past.
2)She has a much more couragous character than his own in terms of challenging with the conditions which emerge in a sudden way or remain as an important memory in the past.
Moreover she also teach him to pray and deal with griefs and pains that stemmed from past.
However he firstly take the situation of her into consideration and learns praying to beg God in order to save her life. Owing to his limited ability , he can't achieve that and girl gradually gives up. In addition to this point, her teachings associated with spiruality helps him during his encounter with past.
3)In my opinion, the role of photojournalism has an essential in the world in order to make public the situation such as in Africa where people sharply suffer from the starvation and insufficient means. Beside this , photojournalism shold be backed by telling written articles to enable people understand the importance of a situation and make plans to relieve the pains of sufferers.
1) The distance between reality and is the main contrast which I was attracted in this story. Rolf Carle's life is so far away than the one that Azucena had. Their view points were standing at the two opposite poles. Azucena accepted her faith as a child instead of Rolf Carle didn't as a journalist. In reality it seemed so probable to rescue Azucena in that situation, but firstly the pump is unreachable and more importantly Azucena's life is laying somewhere deep in the mud hidden and untouchable.
Distance between narrator and Rolf Carle is a distance seemed more familiar to me and understanding this distance is slightly easy. In the morning of the disaster, narrator made coffee to Rolf Carle and sent him. But when he came back Rolf Carle was not the same person he used to be.
2) The ironic contrast between Azucena's and Rolf Carle's journeys in the story is that Rolf Carle journeyed to his youth that he had hidden somewhere in his subconscious while Azucena journeyed to next-after life, if exists, where she had already prepared herself in her subconscious. I think the most interesting contrast is that the people who are not religious, pray to god when they had suffered a problem which they couldn't solve, just like Rolf Carle did. There is no way that I can understand this, is Rolf Carle really believed that god, itself, would do anything to change the situation, not just Azucena's but his situation too.
3) I think mentally photojournalism is one of the most tiring professions in the world. There is too much pressure on journalists. As an ethical point of view they have to publish what camera shotted, however there are always individual, religious and regional profits that come to scene, also values of humanity are still important.
1) I think there isn't clear distance between Azucena and Rolf. He wanted to rescue her but physical obstacles prevent him to reach her. On the other hand there was emotional distance between Rolf and Azucena. Rolf started to remember his childhood and his memories. As he remembered his memories, he realized that he did not rescue like Azuncena.
2)First of all, Azucena believes the God and prays the God for rescuing. And she also wants Rolf Carle to pray wit her but Rolf doesn't believe in God. Although Azucena believes that praying is the one way for rescuing, Rolf didn't pray the God.
3)It is big dilemma for photographers because this is their job, they earn money for their family and themselves. It is difficult to leave there while an innocent girl needs your help.maybe photographer firstly take the photo and then help the girl to rescue her.
The situation between the girl and the photographer very hard for either of them. Girl want to be rescued, but probably nothing can be done by photographer. Therefore, he want to do his job. We do not know whether he called the people for help before taking the picture or after it. His childhood memories is depressing him. Rather than thinking the photographer's issue, we ought to think the dreadful conditions of that country. People should increase the rescuing investment and expand it as much area as they can.
1) The storyline of "And Clay Are We Created" settled basically on distance concept, emotionally and physically. Even though Rolf Carle and Azucena very close to each other physically, there is a gap between them that cannot be filled. Their view of life, religion and distance to death were seperated, and interestingly (!) Rolf Carle felt guilty about this gap. Also, Azucena's tragedy published on TVs but at last she couldn't survived. It can be seen that there is a relationship which emphasizes voyeurism. Azucena was more close to the public than to death, but ultimately she died.
2) Publising Azucena's survival apart from finding a pump is just one of the ironies. Also, Carle helped himself by trying to help Azucena. Lastly, that I've found in story is that Azucena's attitude towards death (acceptance of death) was very maturely, but Carle cannot accept the situation like Azucena despite of the face that Carle is an aged guy and he wasn't stucked in mud. Maybe author maked this irony for emphasising the power of religion.
3) My own opinion is, if there is an emergency, photojournalist had to quit his job and help whatever it is. Than another scene can be established for reflecting the cruciality of that situation and published. Lies are permissible for the greater good.
Rolf and Azucena are far from each other physically as mentioned in the text "many miles away".But Rolf was the one of the first to reach the scene which can be a clue to show the small emotional distance between them.Rolf and Azucena maybe would not meet if the accident did not happen as they are living very far from each other.However they are similar in some ways.For example it can be understood from the sentence "Fear seemed never touch him, although he had confessed to me that he was not a courageus man" that Rolfe is a modest man.Although Azucena was in bad situation and shivering , she was answering the questions to the microphones and she tried to comfort Rolf when he was crying.It is clear that Azucena is also modest like him.Their situation are not same but they experienced similar events and had shared their troubles.
Alot of technical tool; for example tapes,film videos, precision lenses, recorders, sound consoles, lights; had been brought to the scene but only a pump could not be brought even promised.
It is not wrong to take photos of people who need help or in a bad situation.However, if I was a photographer, I could not take a photo of Azucena.Maybe it can be helpful to attract attention of others but it is unethical to stand in front of Azucena and take a photo when she was looking with pure helpless eyes.
1)in my opinion the situation is so hard for both of them.Maybe he wanted to save girl but probably could not do anything because of his job.It remembered to Rolf his childhood and memories.
2)Rolf doesn't believe in god but Azucena believes in god and prays the God for rescuing.Also she wants to Rolf belive in God too.Rolf didn't know how to pray and Azucena teached him.
3)Photographer took her picture instead of saving her.Maybe he wanted to save her but he had to take the photo because if he didn't he might lose his job.maybe he first took the photo and tried to rescue the girl.
I thİnk the most dramatic parts of the story are Rolf's dilemma and the bond between Rolf and Acuzena.
Fisrtly, it is so ironic that everybody can reach Acuzena by watching TV in their home but a simple pump could not reach to Acuzena until she was already dead.
Secondly, we see two different life stlyles, two different common usages and two different religious beliefs with looking Rolf and Acuzena. Their world is quite separate however they connected during the period which acuzena was coming close to death
Actually, seeing an innocent child's desperation became such a catalyst for Rolf's vision of life.
I think every single job has some boundaries and rules. However, there could be some exceptional situations that everybody have right to decide with his/her consience.
Rolf is seen as great reporter who have always been in the story of Azucena till the end of the story.Actually he covers the whole story but apparantly his profession affect his emotinal life since he uses his camera to help him keep his feelings at a distance.Rolf has not confronted with himself until talked to Azucena. In his whole life, there have been danger, huge problems with her father,risks and so on. Talking with Azucena, he comes to realize that these risks have been attempts to build up his courage so that one day he might face his memories and his fears.Photojournalism should be objective, in my opinion, in that it can provide people to have more precautions considering probable occurances.Also if it is not objective,people could not be aware of news in the sense of reality.
I am constantly impressed by the passion and consideration I detect in the comments posted on this text. It seems this text really affected you, and your answers are very eloquent.
Although Ralf's wife, the narrator is far away from the muddy zone, her heart is pacing for Azucena's survival. At the beginning of the story, Azucena and Ralf are quite different from each other. As the story processes, as they share their memories, they become one. The moment when Azucena accepts the fact that she'll drown in the mud is moving, and though she's desperate, she keeps on praying to hold on to life. The distance irony that while a mere pump can't be figured out to be equippped in the disaster zone, the presidents and ambassadors can easily arrive and wonder around the zone is really stunning. Rolf is close to Azucena's position and the history of other people but he's not that close to that peace in history within himself. Azucena's desperate position and her eagerness towards holding on to life makes Ralf realize that he can't live in the past and eventually he has to face his own background. Ralf's objectivity becomes his subjectivity: At first he was only recording the disaster, but then he was involved in Azucena's rescue. He was living in his past and keeping his memories hidden in his memory, later in the story, he faced his past and felt rehabilitated. The narrator, Ralf's wife knew that being involved in this rescue of the poor girl and facing his past will be overwhelming for Ralf, and she wished she could make it easier for his husband, her heart was beating before the television for Azucena and Ralf.
Despite Azucena being in the worst position, she's almost about to die, she efforts herself in teaching Ralf how to pray. Azucena is way too young to understand the world, she's holding on to her religion, one that she's always kept around, while she's dying in the mud. The glaring irony in the story is that Azucena is stuck in the mud for days and can't be saved, in spite of the fact that the whole world is aware of the situation. Azucena is trying to move forward, hold on to life, while Ralf is regretting his past and trying to get rid of his worst memories. Azucena's strive, struggle inspires Ralf to move on.
The usage and role of photojournalism in modern world are determined by the photojournalist itself. He/she can use his/her authority and prepare great news, which will shake the world and make it involve in going on wars and macabre disasters, as well as he/she can just gloze over the whole story and abuse his/her power. Photojournalists possess a great power, because as once said, one picture is worth thousands of words. A picture can tell much more than a cluster of words can, in density.
1)The distance in the story can be considered in a couple of ways. The first one is, the distance between Azucena and Rolf Carle. Although there's a very small distance between them, it didn't help Azucena pyhsically but it helps her emotionally. The efforts of him couldn't save her because he had nothing to do, he had to wait for pump. The distance between the narrator and Rolf plays a big role in story. Even though they're so far away from each other, the narrator felt so close to him because she was able to see him from TV and since she can understand his feelings and the suffering of him and Azucena she felt like she was with them both emotionally and physically. The concept of distance changes like when the people started sharing the same feelings, the phsical distance seemed to get shorter and i think it made the audience less objective on the situation and made them look through the situation in Rolf's eyes.
2)I think Azucena's attempt to teach Rolf how to pray and telling him not to be sorry and not to try is an irony in the story. Because Azucena is the one needed to be thaught how to pray and to be told to be calm because she was in a worse situation than Rolf and also she was a lot younger and less experienced than him. It shows development of her religious and sipiritual ways.
3)Photojournalism plays a major role in media. Because trying to tell something by words is a lot harder than trying to tell it by visuality. Because people can understand the situation better when they see it by their eyes. If we think of the techniques of teaching it can be seen that students learn better by visuality. The same situation goes for public.The photos tell the story more effective so photojournalism is important to make the people understand the news and attract their attention.
1) Here, the point is reader must be watch out when analyzing the evolution in Rolf Carle' character and changes in his total angle of view and showing different decisiveness from now on I think. In the begining of the story, Rolf Care is being represented as more tough and sensless character in terms of narrators's portrayal of him through Rolf's posture in his job. However, as we read more and more, we find an opportunity to see insight of Rolf in a more explicit way. With the help of imaginations in his mind, we dive into his inner world and find a favourable chance to analyze it's consequences in his thoughts. With that idea, Rolf's distances within his opinions and outside become barely perceptible through the eye of reader.
2) In here, the reality which is places that they both born is different, give us a background opinion to differentiate and analyze easily to their way of interpretation skills in a same condition. In a more clear way, up to that point which their life are intersect with each other, they lived in other worlds. That's why when the girl mentions about her life, in an astonishing way, may be so much year later, Rolf refreshes his memories which are directly releated with his family.
Also writer points out the idea of fate. And maybe with that purpose, Isabelle Allende animates his past in our brain. Which of them also completeley dissimilar from each other.
3) Unfortunately, we see it's example in a sense of inhuman way. In modern world, people who deals with that and see it as a professional job also s/he must be conscious on the fundemental human worthies. Everybody can be in different status according to each other, but humaneness requires to regard others condition, especially if they are in a depressed condition or more worse as being 'helpless'. It shows us people can be still cruel and brutal how much they develepod does not change it.
1-''When I knew him better,I came to realize that this fictive distance seemed to protect him from his own emotions.''Rolf Carle had an equanimity in the face of danger and suffering.But towards the end of the story we see that this emotional distance he has is because of his past.Rolf,by going to there,confronts his past by forming an emotional bond with Azucena.
Physical distance in this story can be seen between the narrator and Rolf Carle.They can't communicate with each other but their emotional distance gets smaller and smaller towards the end of the story because the narrator is there for Rolf and Azucena emotionally.
2-In an ironic way,Rolf was there to help Azucena but Azucena actually helps Rolf face his past and heal without knowing it.Azucena's maturity and teaching Rolf how to pray are important parts of the story because this inspires Rolf to confront his past and move on.Ironic contrast is that,Azucena seems to be in a worse position but we can say that Rolf is actually as bad in a psychological way as Azucena is in a physical way.Rolf normally does these assignments without feeling and with objectivity but this time Azucena deeply affects him.
3-Photojournalism's important role in the world comes from the importance of visuality.You try to tell something for hours but a photo may reflect it better,more effectively.So in this case we should think if Rolf did the right thing.Taking photographs of the situation or trying to help Azucena.Well Azucena didn't survive at the end but he did the best he could and I think in cases like this,photographing the catastrophe shouldn't be the first thing on your mind.
Distance is a key point of this texts and physical and emotional distance are mentioned on 3 characters who are little girl Azucena, Rolf Carle and narrator. Physical distance is between narrator and Rolf, they are far from each other but miles in miles express nothing in this story. The narrator follow what happen and watch Azucena ‘s poor condition. “the sitance seemed suddenly compressed and I had the horrible sensation that Azucena and Rolf were by my side, separated from me by impenetrable glass.” I think it is very crucial quote from text to understand media’s power on human. Also emotional distance getting lower between Rolf and Azucena because Rolf becomes upset about Azucena’s poor condition and her life struggle. Moreover, distance not only used for location but also it is related to Rolf’ s childhood. He rememebered his childhood when he saw Azucena’s life struggle. Ironic part of the story is about religion in sense of Rolf is not a religious man but when he saw Azucena’s condition in mud he felt sorry for her and starts to pray like her although he does not know how to pray he tries. However, what strikes me most was that although Azucena is close to death she is so mature even help Rolf to get back his childhood and live a spiritual experience.Photojournalism is significant part of media, because taking picture of the moment is way better than using word to describe moment. For instance National Geographic used one Afghan woman on its cover pages; it became more popular in its time. You could easily recognize what hardships Afghan people faced on her eyes. On the other, photojournalism makes people numb by using the technique of catharsis like in theater audience saw a beggar and felt sorry for him so much that they became senseless to real beggar in daily life by turning their hand and move on.
In this story there had been a disaster occured and some rescue teams went over for helping over disaster area. the poor girl called azucena. narrator of this story finds an emotional bond between himself and azucena and he emphasised this realtionship by remembering his previous memories. also we can see easily that both azucena and rolf are religious people. ın the way of Azucenas praying to god for saving her, rolf started to pray too, maybe for helping god him to save her or help god to save her... ın the photo of this story everbody can easily see the despairness, innocencenes. and also this text may want to give message to people all around the world. the message is everbody may be desperate sometime and need help..
This is a dramatic story of Azucena and Rolf. For both of them the situation was very depressive. Azucena want to be rescued but this is impossible because there was not any pump in the area. Actually everybody can saw this girl by turning their television on however a pump cannot reach to her until she dead. This is an ironic issue. Another ironic issue is between Rolf and Azucena. Azucena believe the god but Rolf doesn't. But after Rolf understood that there was no way to rescue he prayed the god for a last chance.
As i was reading skimming the text to answer the question, i found too many references compared with my friends, for example :"...plannig the long hours without him" says Ralph's wife. It is not clearly defined in the text, but if the couple is facing long hour disconnections like this too often, then their exists a distance between the man and the woman. In the third pharagraph :"The towns in the valley went about their daily life, deaf to the moaning of the earth..." is written. It is described that the citizens did not paid much attention to the warnings until the catastrophe has happened, in a way, they ignored the authorities, they stayed distanced to them. I've find too many examples like this but after i have read the other answers, i decided to simplify my answer.
In the beginning of the text, the sentences and the choice of words demonstrate a clear distance between related things. As the story develops and comes to an end, the relationship between Ralph and Azucena gets closer, but according to me the writer puts two important handicaps in the story the cover the ramaining distance. the first one is the existence of the camera. camera is an instrument to make visual records and it gives us a chance to see the things far away from us. In fact, it's aim seems to be to combine and bring closer us. But in the story, people are still behind the camera as Azucena was trying to survive. We can relate this with the term voyeurism. This second handicap is, whatever Ralph tried, he can not take Azucena from where she is. Ralph left lots of miles with a helicopter behind (which was his advantage by the way), he comes near her but there exists a very little distance between them which they can not reduce This distance (which they cannot cover, because they cannot take Azucena out there) is a physical distance, but it is also questionable that this situation has an emotional meaning.
In my opinion, photojournalism is an interesting occupation (maybe a hobby), especially i like the courageous man who take dramatic photos during a war, although the photos taken are full of drama. It is good to inform the people about this kind of situations, but those photographs, especially if they include too much blood inside, must not be shown to public because it affects the children in a negative way.
1)At first there is no connection between Azucena and Rolf, but the disaster connects them to each other. Well i think that this connection is just like "Stockholm Syndrome"(i'm not gonna explain it, but i think we all know it). People in similar situations gets connected to other people to have some power and help to survive.
2)Azucena has a religious personality, unlike Rolf which is an ironic contrast.
3)Well before we had all this Photoshop and photo-editing technology, photo-journalism was much more trustable. But today it's not a problem if you can't do it good, you can always repair it with computers.And also photos are easily abusable.
1) We can see the emotional distance between Azucena and Rolf. Rolf has no regard for his job and he tries to help little girl as much as possible. When Rolf stays with Azucena he remember his chilhood and he cries not Azucena!!! As Azucena believe God and she believe death is not the end of everything. Narrator tries to tell us how religion can make people become more powerful than others.
2)One of dilemma is about photographers. Do photographers take photo or try to save little girl like Rolf?
Another situation is perspective of Azucena and Rolf about pain and death. As I said first answer narrator tries to tell something about religion. He shows us how religion mature a little girl.
3)Photojournalism has a crucial role to reflect news about every topic around the world. It must try to transform world and become more peaceful and helpful.
This photo remember that another photo which tell us famine in Africa. In this photo, one child who does not eat anything for days maybe weeks, lie on a desert. A vulture wait him to die. The photographer takes this photo and he doesn't save the child. I believe this is not the only role of ğhotojournalism.
* I think distance is both emotional and physical symbol. Azucena and Rolf Carle are very close to each other physically, but too far away emotionally. Azucena reminds Rolf his childhood and this makes the distance shorter. Also distance between her and a water-pump caused her death. And people could not reach her again because of the distance.
* Rolf is not religious as Azucena but he is hopelessly willing to do anything to save her, so he prays for it. Also while Azucena is dying , she gives Rolf power to confront his youth.
*Actually i do not appreciate photojournalism. I do not see the art on it. Anyone can do photojournalism with going undeveloped areas. I think they uses people's pain to make their job good. On the other side, there is no need to it either. Today, technology developed enough so they can use techniques to create any image they want. Although this situation, makes photographers work suspicious.
The story is based on a young girl who is trapped in a mudslide, and a reporter, Rolf Carle, who is gone to cover her rescue. However, he stayed with the young girl until she died, and unsuccessed on resqueing her. While he was talking with the girl, Carle remembered and began to address his own past suffering. Photographer did his own job instead of rescuing her. In my opinion; although, it is not ethical behaviour, just one photo tells lots of things to people. People could impress with photo, and could want to start helping them. One photo could save lots of lives.
In my opinion the distance concept at this short story is about how Rolf Carle is so close to Azucena both physically and emotionally but at the same time no matter how hard he tries Rolf is not capable of saving her from death's grip.
The ironic concepts at the story are when important people like president can be able to come to see Azucena whereas the object that can save her life, a simple water pump can't be obtained. And when they found the pump Azucena was already dead. Another ironic situation is a girl who is about to die teachs a man to pray for her.
I think the important point about photojournalists is that when they have any control for the situation they're in they should do all they can, like in this case Rolf tried everything to save Azucena he even forgot why he went there. But if they can't make any influence to the situation the best they can do is to take the photo to let the world know what happened there. Also there is the concept that which situation should be photographed and which shouldn't, I think that depends on the photojournalists, it is his choice whether or not to take the picture.
1)In the text the concept of the distance could be divided into two sub-concept. One of them is Rolf Carle's inner conflict. Through the text Rolf Carle always want to save Azucana's life even though he is photographing and publishing her dramatic story. He is in a kind of dilemma between his job and his spiritual emotions. In one side he is objective journalist and tries to make his job. On the other side, he is thinking about the morality of his job when he looks into Azucana's eyes. The other thing about the concept of distance is related with the narrator. Even if there is a long distance between Rolf Carle and Azucana , she gets in a kind of emotional mood and feel in the same way with Rolf Carle.
2)The ironic contrast is about the religion, Rolf Carle's belief about god. In the beginning Rolf Carle doesn't believe in god or something like supernatural but while he is talking with Azucena, she creates belief inside of him. That is really interesting concept about the text.
3) I think photojournalism is a kind of art. A real photojournalist must reflect the every mood and every little detail we can feel the real situation of the event like in Azucena's case. So it has a very essential role in modern world.
There are two types of distances, which I can see obviously in this story. Firstly, Rolf had to struggle with himself. That is why he tried to get rid of his past all the time. After the conversation with Azucena, he became closer to himself. The second distance has Rolf and the narrator. They are physically far from each other. But this is not a barrier for the narrator to feel herself close to Rolf. She saw Rolf on TV and shared his feelings at that moment.
The story is based on a girl, who cannot be rescued, where she is stuck in mud. The only way is having a pump and a pump is not something, which is impossible to find. There were lots of people and cameras around there, but not a pump. This situation can be seen as an irony. The second contrast is between Rolf and Azucena. The only thing, the girl could do is to pray for herself. Till that moment, praying is the only thing, Rolf would refuse to do. But this situation changed.
A photograph is important because it is more effective than words. On the cigarette packages there are sentences like 'Cigarettes cause mouth diseases' and in some countries they have photos instead. It is more effective to see a lung, which went bad than seeing a sentence, which tells that smoking causes lung cancer. That is the same situation. Not even one word can explain the little girl's pain better than the photograph.
there is an obvious physical distance between the Azucena and Rolf. she is dying in front of him but he can not do anything to save Azucena. must be really hard couldn't help someone you can reach. also there is an emotional distance, Rolf sees his childhood in Azucena. so he feels emotionally close to Azucena.
the photo is taken to make people feel sorry so they can help the ones who are suffering but also we know that they couldn't save the kid in the photo. also this situation makes an atheist (Rolf) pray, praying to something you do not believe is a pretty good irony.
photojournalism is really important. much effective then just writings. imagine a newspaper without photos. the first thing takes the readers attractions are photos. but i also do not like the idea of using peoples pain to make your own point. i mean if i were in a bad situation i wouldn't want people to feel sorry about me.
Task 1) It is good question I think because the story actually tell us the story of distance between Rolf Carle and Azucena. firstly they did not aware of another one, but Carle found his past and hidden feelings about everyone from his childhood. After the days they spend, he realized that Azucena is the closest person in his life to him.
On the other hand, distance may mean the distance of Azucena from world, although she was noticed and president come beside her. Everybody saw him, she was seen on TV, everybody was aware of her heartrending situation but there was too long distance between them.
Task 2)In reality, they were too different people. Azucena lived very simple life in village, Carle lived a good life with his girlfriend, he had a good job. At first, Carla wanted to help her but after day he spend with Azucena, he remembered his childhood and began to think himself. Another point can be that teaching pray to Carle. This is the other difference between their lives because Carle did not know hoe to pray. After all, Azucena died, of course Carle was effected, but he could be just the same as before.
Task 3) Photojournalism is extremely affective I think. Because when you see the photos of event, you are as though you had lived event just the same and you can understand people's situations.
1) The distance between Rolf and Azucena is wide in that situation because Rolf is out of the mud but Azucena is in the mud .He can not know exactly how to be close to death like a little girl at her age and how to be aware of the line between life and death. He is a reporter and he have to be professional at every situation but this time he couldn't keep his calm and try to help her. Also Rolf did remember his bad memories while he try to help her.
2)For me the biggest irony in the story was Azucena's teaching to pray to Rolf. He doesn't know how to pray till this time but she knows it , she believe in God and she has no hope but praying . She make Rolf realize some spiritual feeling inside of him . And help to understand who you should believe in a hopeless situation .
3)For me photojournalism may be the hardest job in this world. Keep your calm and keep your feelings normal and also keep your profession stable over against the realities. You have to take photos like war,starvation,birth,death etc. all these are real happenings and you have to only press the camera shutter .There's no only bad situations in the world but what if you go to a war for journalism? What can you do except take some photos. How can your heart can stand it? You have to be obdurate sometimes..
1)I think the quote "Nontheless I was there with him. The child's every suffering hurt me as did him, I felt h,s frustration, his impotance." is quite self explanatory. The concept of distance in the story is changing from its real meaning to something more abstract.
2)The two very important ironies are as follows: The first is the one where Rolf, who doesn't even know how to pray, prays to God so that Azucena can be saved. The second is the time where Azucena, the one who should be panicked and fearing for her life, calms Rolf down and accepts her fate calmly and willingly.
3)The ethics of photography and journalism is the topic that should be discussed. In real life, just like in the case of Azucena, journalists and photographers from around the world come to shoot the extraordinary events such as wars, natural disasters etc. I think this is pure exploitation purely for monetary gain. Although there are some pure-hearted people that do this kind of things for non-profit organizations, their numbers are quite low.
"And Of Clay Are We Created" is a text in which the life of a girl between death and being alive is told. This line becames the reason for Azucena and Carle to complete each other. Especially Azucena reflects Carle's poor soul and that is why she affects him so much because she is the reason to remember his childhood. Narrator feels Carle emotions through the media and she tells that is the first time that she saw him so impressed in the television.
Many Religios items are given in the text. While praying to survive of Azucena this religious symbols are seen so much. I think the reason to use this images is because the people try to get the help of God when they came to the last stage like when someone feels the death. They understand that they will about to lose her. So that is also the reason Azucena teaches how to pray to Rolf.
Being a photojournalist at this situation is so quite hard because s/he have to decide whether they will try to survive the girl or they will do the job. I think the first one should be the surviving a life. But sure when photojournalist takes a photo of it it would be a evidence of the situation for all people.
"And Of Clay Are We Created" is a text in which the life of a girl between death and being alive is told. This line becames the reason for Azucena and Carle to complete each other. Especially Azucena reflects Carle's poor soul and that is why she affects him so much because she is the reason to remember his childhood. Narrator feels Carle emotions through the media and she tells that is the first time that she saw him so impressed in the television.
Many Religios items are given in the text. While praying to survive of Azucena this religious symbols are seen so much. I think the reason to use this images is because the people try to get the help of God when they came to the last stage like when someone feels the death. They understand that they will about to lose her. So that is also the reason Azucena teaches how to pray to Rolf.
Being a photojournalist at this situation is so quite hard because s/he have to decide whether they will try to survive the girl or they will do the job. I think the first one should be the surviving a life. But sure when photojournalist takes a photo of it it would be a evidence of the situation for all people.
1- Azucna and rofl carle is very close in the event but his girl friend very far from him but emotions keeps them understand how they feel
2- ROfl pray for but he is not belive in god also azucena pray god for her live but sehe belive in god
3-photojournalism make things easier to show and easy to reach and if soomewhere suffer pain we can even now that if someone make it news we aware it
this is a dramatic story of a girl who stuck in a mud. she could not because people could not bring a compressor to take whole water and media shot this dramatic event till she died. she was so far and no one could not reach tp rescue. ı think when people saw her, he felt very bad and doing nothing to this girl made people very upset and maybe angry to people in the village. i think this is not a journalistism because they might have a helicopter and they could take the compressor and rescue her, but they did not do to mediatic worries. media people should hep people in desperate situations, because they hae resources to help them and they know every event before everyone else.
I think that story shows us the point where is the humanity. When Rolf try to help Azucena, the other reporters took their photo or display them in the TV , instead of helping the Azucena. Although they can help, they just record them and that shows the exhibitionism. Media is becoming exhibitionist from day to day to attract attention. And to attact attention they ignore a innocent person’s life.
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