Murrow claims that "No body politic is healthy until it begins to itch" (226). Explain what he means in your own words. How can the media be instrumental in making us "itch"?
Do you have a "plug-in drug"? (e.g. your mobile, laptop, iPod, etc.?) Do you see any danger in your dependence on this object, or do you see it as just a routine part of your life? Do you agree with Winn that TV is a "plug-in drug"?
Rushdie's fear is that "our voyeurism will become more demanding" (241), leading to shows that will "feed our hunger for more action, more pain, more vicarious thrills" (241). Has this fear been realised in any way since this essay was published in 2001? Do you think Rushdie is correct to be alarmed, or do you think viewers will continue to be satisfied with the present level of thrills and action? Justify your answer with specific examples.
Write a summary of The Truman Show (maximum 50 words).
1)He's saying that people are being tranquilized by the TV, and that's quite dangerous. He'd prefer some "itching" for the nation, instead of them buying what TV states. Authorities prefer an easy-going audience to a questioning one. But this imbalance frightens him and he's using Heywood Broun's words to explain himself. I agree with him, most people can't help sitting before the TV all day long and do nothing but getting fatter and fatter, while they're losing their ability to question and evaluate what they see on the TV.
2)Yes of course I do, I have a laptop (All thanks to Sabanci), an mp3 player, and like all of us do, I own a mobile phone. I don't think they're posing any danger to my life as long as I know how to benefit them and not exaggerate stuff. I think it's essential for our times, it's part of us. I neither agree, nor disagree with Winn. If you know how to draw your lines, you can benefit them, but if you're not able to, you may easily become a technology freak. So it's both beneficial and dangerous, but in the end it's up to the person himself to draw his path in life, make his own decisions.
3)Few have realized while an increasing amount has not. People are striving for more action, we want to be thrilled to what we see on the TV, which forces the TV companies to offer us what we want while they benefit really good from this. Day by day we are becoming more spoilt brats, and there's no doubt that we'll ask for more. Rushdie is right to be alarmed, because this is further and further beyond imagination. He's afraid that when there'll be a point that we'll actually be watching people stabbing eachother in the name of giving the society what it demands. I remember once, on a dutch channel, there was a competition that the price was a kidney, where competitors were patients. Sure it was removed and not aired for more than a couple of weeks. And another example is, the show we all know that is named "Jackass". Every time they're going further and further with disgusting stuff and one keeps wondering how filthy the next episode will be. In both cases, the point is, we need to question how ethical such programms are and what leads to this point, or even try to predict the future of them.
4)The Truman show was hilarious! It's a movie that predicts how our future can be, while emphasizes how fragile and sacred our privacy is. It shows how one's "everything" can be exposed and how the person may react to that. It really is a devastating moment for Truman when he realizes his life has been nothing but a fake one.
1) He thinks that media has a responsibility of making people question and think about the policies and the government. It can be done by raising public awareness about the hindering institutions in a society through media. Fatih Altayli's usage of media power to promote `Her zaman aydinlik icin 1 dakika karanlik` (1 minute darkness for eternal light), or recent news on donation fraud in media could be considered as `itching`.
It is also interesting that, when he made this point, the media was much lesser entertainment and `what public wants` oriented than today. Shows like Big Brother were unthinkable when Murrow made this speech. Also in today's media, even the news TVs such as CNN are questioned for hiding information from public about the War in Iraq and Afghanistan.
2. I use TV, Ipod, Laptop, PC, game consoles quite regularly. They are certainly in my routine of daily life. From time to time, I think that my life may depend upon these devices. When electricity goes down, for few moments I just wait it going back online. Only after time I can think of alternatives to passing time without electricity such as reading. I guess we are all depending upon technology more than we are likely to admit. It is also true that I distance myself from realities of life while watching TV, Movie, listening to Music or playing Computer games. However I don't see specifically TV as "plug-in drug", because it can't keep my attention more than a hour, except for national team's matches. As I bore of TV quite easily, I guess it is not my `plug-in drug'.
3. As long as this trend doesn’t go to extremes it will continue. When it goes to extremes, it will get opposition from public, and even though it has great ratings, companies won’t support such programs to preserve their corporate image. So programs return to more conservative approach, at least temporarily if not permanently. For example in Turkey approximately 1 year ago, the so called `women programs` have gone to extreme about showing violence, fights, immoralities to extent. The violence worked great for rating, but through newspapers and internet sites the opposition raised voice such programs’ disturbing effect on society and family. So media pulled back these programs and replaced them with more traditional and moderate programs in order to preserve their and advertisers’ corporate image.
4. The Truman Show is a movie about a boy who is adopted by a Reality TV Company to make a show of his life 7/24. Everyone and everything else on the island are fake. The film is important for its fore-shadowing of Reality TV and questioning ethics of media.
1. He thinks and believe that individuals become more relax , calm and comfortable when they are watching television. İn addition TV can help people to create some questions and ideas about policy.
2.Like all of people I use laptop, Ipod, TV, phone and I estimate that they are both advantageous and hazardous also it may be addictive but it is not mean that all people are affected, it depends on people. Actually, I totaly agree with Salih because When electricity goes down, I have to wait but I couldnt, I want to go back it quickly in this case these devices capture me so if you know how to use and how much spend your time it can be beneficial.
3.I think Rushdie is correct to be alarmed because like this programmes will continue day after day they hold a place in media which are include more violence, more pain, more vicarious thrills. To prevent those production, government and people shouldnt support and shouldnt give a rating. To illustrate this, beside many TV programmes, there are lots of computer games which teach violence action
4.The Truman Show is a kind of entertaining movie and it presents a boy's everyday life but it is a fake.
1. media has to be open to all the audience with both soothing and disturbing realities.Because nothing takes place without problems and our world consists of various global problems that need to be reduced,the media should show and present the issues of all the nations.In addition to these global issues,the media has to inform the public about significant incidents that take place in daily life.With the information provided by media people become conscious and politics and aware of the things that happen around them.
2.Technology feels a huge part of my life.I always spend my time speaking in telephone or by surfing in Internet. I think that I am dependent on technological tools but if I want to be aware of daily incident, I have to use these tools such as tv,ınnternet,telephone in this technological world. Also this dependence cannot be dangerous if I know my limits and benefit from technology.
3. it is obviously reasonable for Rushdie to get alarmed by the demanding increase of public to violence in Tv shows.Because the strategy directors of Tv shows analyze and research the most significant areas that can take the attention of the audience, and care only about the successes of their programs, violence,death and unreality become the center of the reality shows. Even though these reality shows do not consist of actual killings,the interest of the audience and their unreasonable passion toward them forces Rushdie to think on this problem. In addition to these facts,Rushdie's concern is mainly about possible impact of media on people which can make them to go beyond limits; people start not to feel satisfied with seeing or witnessing the death of an individual but the death of thousands.
4. The Truman Show is a kind of reality show which shows a boy's routine life in everyday but it is a fake. This example presents lack of ethics of media and it leads to degeneration of public.
1) The aim of media is basically raising the public awareness. However, it can clearly be seen that media organs manipulating informations and serving to community at one's own sweet will, especially private foundations. Presumably, itching refers to "giving information to the public for questioning oneself or some condition". By this way, individuals will make their own way rather than used by some sort of shepherd.
2) I use laptop, mp3 player and mobile phone. They have no authority on me, I own them. But it is a fact that technology that we used to benefit began to dominate our life. I am seriously thinking that computers will have free will. And yes, TV is a "plug-in drug"
3) I can explain this by an example. A man that watches TV quite a lot, begin to have his emotions or thoughts in that TV. That man quit his life and have a new one in TV. In this case, producers aim is to make programs more real, thrilled to make that mans life better and enjoyable.
4) The Truman Show is a movie that draws the media organs line of demarcation. I think for the media this quote must be the norm for their ethics: Freedom is a freedom unless you don't restrict others. And The Truman Show clarifies this subject in a humorous way.
1) Murrow is trying to put an attention on the medias effects on public and so called bias, with a basic sentence. In other words, it is a home truth that media; TV programmers, newspapers and magazines throughly affect individuals opinions. In my opinion, Nadia obviously making us itch. For instance if i listen a lecture from a politician from his words, i most probably believe him however when media comes and tries to itch me it could change my opinions.
2) I have mobile phone and laptop like most of individuals have in todays world and i dot really think that, these equipments are threat for our life. However when we want to think deeper, the opportunity for accessing any informations we want can create a confusion due to the fact that these following informations not always true and beneficial. Thus, sometimes it can create a danger to use these plug-ins however mostly i can claim that, any individuals can do without them in their daily liefs.
3) In my opinion, the satisfaction need is most probably the most natural part of humans feelings and especially action and thrill cant get easily from ordinary human liefs and if one individual try to create an action feeling in daily life it can create a terrible consequences. Thats to say that getting thrill and action satisfactory from films and shows are not dangerous, the opposite way round, healthy for individuals if not it is very dramatized. I said 'dramatized' caused there are some examples of effectiveness of these actions in some ages. For instance in Turkey the cartoon show 'Pokemon' affects one child in a bad way and he thought that he was one of the Pokemon character and he put himself from 3th floor. So if not the audience is less than an appropriate age, the action shows give us is not really dangerous.
4)4) Truman show is a simple example of todays individuals lifestyle. It is a bit ironical that the main character Jim Carey don't realize the mounting of his life, however it is a home truth that we are in the same way. Think that this world is that mentioned island he lives and his job is our job, so whats the difference btw his routine life and absented mind and ours? nothing..
1) Murrow states that the American media in his time is preventing the nation from thinking. Also they don't give the information on any important political or sociological subject. And according to him, the reason is the advertising business and the corporations. The corporations think about the money so much, they use the media to sell their products and just to entertain people to gain reputation. They only care about the share prices, however they have to care about creating a nation which is aware of what is going on in the world, aware of the policy of their government and the problems in their own country. Although his article is pretty clear and good, it has failed. Nowadays television and radio are more full of marketing rubbish than ever before.
2) Of course I have a plug-in drug. My plug-in drug is my mobile. I can't live without it because it simply helps me communicate. I have many friends and relatives who are far from me, now that I'm staying at school they are more in numbers. And my mobile simply helps our communication. I find it as a regular part of my life, not a danger. However I do agree with Winn's idea that TV is a plug-in drug. It really affects the family life and mostly there is just rubbish on TV. I don't watch TV anymore, except for some quality movies and series but my total TV time in a month is 10 hours tops.
3) I don't think much has changed since 2001. At least in the good way. People are still watching those reality shows, which lack both quality and intelligence, and the reality shows are being more extreme. He is right to be afraid because there are always more degenerate programs than the one before. And people watch them in joy. In the beginning, there was "Survivor", then came others such as "The Beauty and The Geek". They humiliate the beautiful women because they are too stupid, and they humiliate the intelligent but socially handicapped men because they are unable to communicate with people. However the smart ones are the more humiliated ones. Being stupid but funny and social is OK, but being smart and socially handicapped is not. They should respect the smart people. And the reason of their failures in social life is because of the brainwashed and stupid people. The reason is TV, or at least the brainwashing, mind-numbing shows.
4) The Truman show tells the story of a man whose life has been recorded and transmitted to everyone in the world, from his birth. It helps us to think about the future of media as well as the immorality in the TV business.
Task one
Murrow argues that television is like tranquilizer. He prefers itching pills than tranquilizer, because according to him, these pills can make him aware of the country’s situation and so that understand realities by questioning. He thinks that television producers only consider profits they get from the government. Therefore they do not broadcast the realities and want to create a passive society which knows nothing about the policies of the government. By doing so, they want the society think that everything is OK. A functional media should provide society all information in a much more transparent way. Only through this way, citizens can be “itched” and so that can question government’s policies. However, the American television, according to Murrow, definitely fails to do that.
Task two
Yes, I have two plug-in-drugs; my mobile phone and laptop like many of us. I spend many hours with them. I think they are indispensable parts of my life. I write all my papers on the laptop, sometimes learn about my friends through my mobile. I do not really think what people were doing before the invention of mobile phones. So, I cannot really think myself without them. However, as the author implies, this kind of things can really be addictive and limit your life. For example, sometimes I prefer surfing on the Internet to books, or –very very dangerous- to my friends. Therefore, I believe it is impossible to give up laptops or mobiles; but people should know how to use them. They should not allow those things to limit and then to dominate their lives. Besides, I agree with Winn that television is a plug-in-drug. I do not watch TV a lot, but I know some friends who spend hours and hours by watching all television programmes without making any preference. I believe, at some point, people lose their limits, and are influenced by those “drugs.”
Task three
I definitely think that Rushdie’s fear about voyeurism has been realized since this article was published. In Turkey, for example, there are many television programmes based literally on voyeurism. As many of my friends will remember, the BBG was the most prominent one. This programme broke rating records, and so that it was followed by various other versions. The most interesting one was about some old women choosing “right wives” for their sons. It was a disgusting programme which made women consumable objects, something that has to be “chosen.” This is also a kind of violence, I believe. In addition, I think Rushdie is correct to be alarmed, because people ask for more if you give them more; they do not satisfy. This can just be understood by looking on the programmes that I have mentioned above. Their number has been increased since the first one. Now, Turkish televisions are full of violent programmes not only the paparazzi ones which give every detail of the life of celebrities; but also some other women’s programmes which give all details of ordinary people’s lives. I do not know where the world is going. Like Murrow, with these examples, I, sometimes, think that all these programmes are part of a government policy which aims at making people forget about the bad economic and political situation of Turkey.
Task four
It is about Truman, who always does the same things. One day he gets bored and wants to leave the city. However he cannot succeed to do. At the end, he understands that his life is a television show and all people have been watching him since his birth.
1)the aim of media is make people aware of outside effects. also, it cannot be denied that media can effect people's opinion.
2)i think i'm a real plug-in-drug. i have mobile,laptop, i pod and i use them in every minute in my life. but i am not an tv addict like i mentioned above.
4) truman show is a movie that one man called truman was beeing watched by whole world in a studio but he didn't realise it for a long time. at the end he noticed that he was in studio,one of the man in studio warned him not to get out of this studio but he preffered to leave to live his real life.
1)When media makes makes people aware of situations that happens around them it means media works efficiently.One goal of the media is showing and informing people opposite ideas and conflicts about issues.Different opinions are always necessary in order to solve problems.For this reason media has a considerable effect on making people decision important issues.
2)I use PC, Ipod, TV etc. in my routine life.I use them everywhere and for everything.Sometimes I think that it is so hard to live without these technological devices.These tools are a huge part of my life.Even, when the electricity has gone, I feel myself to find no way out.It shows us TV etc. are 'plug in drug'.
3)These kinds of TV shows affect people in a bad way.A lot of TV shows include violence and death.Moreover the number of these programs increases day by day because producers of TV shows do not concern about people's sanity.They always think about money and rating.I think that viewers will continue watch these type of programs which contain violence because of increasing global problems.
3)The Truman Show is a film whose main artist is Jim Carey.It shows the character's daily life.Essentially his life is a fake.
1) Murrow wants to focus on the effects of media how it affects people's conscious of the policies and government. people can inform the ways of government by media such as TV, newspaper, internet.. The manner of media should be bias because of the changing the decision is inevitable by media that it mıust show the truth.
2) I use TV, laptops, İpod, cell phones in my daily life. They occupy my every second in my days. I start the day with the alarm of the phone, I finish my day with using electrical brush teeth. Unfortunately, I cannot think the life which do not exist electricity. My life depends on them. People can do all of things which the devices do instead of human but people become blunt anymore.
3) In my opinion, Rushdie is right because this programme can be incentive to violence. Also, they induce people to have a bad psychology. I think, the government must legislate against like this show.
4) The best example of abusing the media is Truman Show. The main character of this film who is Jim Carey, has a fake life.
i only watched the truman show. it is a movie about a man's life on a tv show. his whole is a fake even his friends, this movie is a good oppurtunity to think about reality and media. the truman show indicates how tv shows keep people on tv. actually it is a critism of media.
There are really a lot of good comments here so far. Let me focus on a few. People like Mete have made a very good analysis of the quote in the text. It's good that most of you seem to realise the limits of technology and attempt to use it responsibly. I was really interested in Ezgi's descriptions of Turkish reality shows and "women as commodities". Fortunately, I haven't seen that one! :)
I think a weakness here is the summaries. Most of you need to focus more on the salient points of the film. The actor's name is really irrelevant. Think of someone who has never seen the film. How would you explain it? Remember that in your essays, you will usually have to summarise some text or other. Salih K. and Ege have written a pretty good summaries, which you can use as an examples. Many of you are *reviewing* the film rather than actually summarising it. I'm not asking for your personal opinions here: just the theme and a few facts.
1 i think Murrow means media tranquilizes people through reaching largest possible audience and it controlles them. This situation frightens him however he prefers to itch rather being tranquilized by tv.
2 everyone i use all these stuffs and these stuffs are always in part of my life but i dont think i have a great depenpendence to these stuff. whole summer i dont use laptop or any of them. only necessarily i use mobile phone but i still alive without these i continue my daily routine and i think summer vacations are felt better on people because of not using these devices.
3 tv shows like who wants to be a millionare or big brother increases people's voyeurism to other peoples privacy. these tv shows feeds hunger of curiosity but it occurs a big problem in a very short term. this problem still exists actually in our country.
1) In this statement Murrow want to say that there must be an opposition side that force government to provide better life conditions. And this opposition side is media.
2)I have laptop and mobile phone but I don't think that I am addicted to them. But I cannot say it for other people, almost all my friends are addicted to them.
3)It is reasonable to get alarmed because in my opinion these programs are just waste of time. Moreover due to people discuss this programs in every minute in their daily life they don't focus on government their priority problems and problems become bigger and bigger.
4)Truman show is a story of a man who recorded to every people in the world. The program loved by most of people in the world but if Truman run away from island the program will finish. Because of this all his fake friends and family try to persuade him to stay the island.
1 - By this statement, Murrow, says that he prefers an itch than a tranquilizing shot for political health. Governors may, and probably will, use media for their own goods, so it is media itself will decide to choose a side or not. I don't think that a fully opposite media to government will serve much better than a complete supportive media. In other words media should be objective, and should criticize or praise not regarding to ideologies but regarding to facts
2 - Sure I have lots of "plug-in drugs" such as my laptop, iphone, game consoles etc... I don't see any danger in my dependence to those objects in fact they have a very serious role in my life. And I have no complaint about them. TV is a bit different than those "plug-in drugs" it is way too older and it still hasn't enough portability, Also even it seems that you can choose what to see in fact somebody outside choose what to show. I think TV is not in my "plug-in drugs" list.
3 - In my opinion the violence visualised by TV's is not that threatening at all. You can't blame someone to watch a show and also you can't blame a producer making that violent program nor the TV channel itself. It will find its equality. Any move made by an outsider will occur more complicated problems
4 -The Truman Show, is a masterpiece. It has drama, comedy and most of all it has a sense. The movie is about a human living his life in reality show without knowing. It criticize the ethics of both media and society.
1)E. R. Murrow thinks that the American media is tranquilizing American people. Reality shows and pointless Tv series are making people sit front of Tv all day without thinking or judging something. The cartoon series "Family Guy" is critizing this almost every episode. Also well-known video "American people are stupid" shows the knowledge of normal USA citizens about the world they live in.
2)Since I first meet PC when i was 5 years old, technology is a huge part of my life. I use ipod, Laptop, Mobile phone, PSP, some other game consoles and i try to benefit from them in every part of my life. Everyday i look at the news in the internet and listen music from my tiny ipod shuffle when I'm walking down to the class and text with my friends at the same time. These are all plug-in drugs for me. However TV is not a plug-in drug for me, i don't watch it, it's a "Stupid Box" for me. But there a lot of people using Tv as a plug-in drug but its their choice.
3)All tasks and and texts are connected to each other. i aggre with the idea, more you get, more you want. It's a drug , a Plug-in drug, which the people will always want more and more. And there is no finish line or a golden shot for this.Rushdie was correct to alarm. But who cares until some die...
4) The Truman show is about the life of Truman Burbank. His whole life is a Reality show and he is the only one who doesn't act and knows nothing about the show. But in a time he realizes that people act strange and he starts to find out.
''plug in drug '' has really my thoughts among the television and other technological devices. Because people have started lost their traditional things and culture. Yes, ı have laptop, mp3 player and so on. Although ı usually use them, ı dont like spend my time with them but we are have to use or need to use them. Moreover, relationship between family members has started undermined. For instance,in the evenings all members use their time in front of the tv or laptops so they couldnt share their life because they couldnt talk each other.What a pity =(.
Another point is voyeurism that is not ethical. Maybe people worry each others life but it is not good thing. Privacy is very important so Salman's thoughts is very appropriate in this point.
He wrote '' winning isnt anything and losing isnt anything, too'' so these shows are unnecessary and they could make harm to those people who are in there because they think that they can be happy with these show's famous but it is not real.There are lots of examples for these shows and people who attend them in Turkey. One of them is about marriage and there were a boy who want to marry with a girl who lived in same house. This boy became more famous and maybe rich but then he couldnt get used that life and he died because of alcohol and drugs.
Truman Show is a very interesting film.In this film, there is a man who lives in a fake place although he behaves real.When he realized strange things in his surrounding place , he started to find out and finally he could do.
1-Murrow says that what is shown on the TV tranquilizes people.To itch people and make them ask questions,media should not isolate them from the reality even if it is going to make the viewers uncomfortable at first.
2-I do have a laptop,a cell phone and an i-pod.In my opinion it's the person's dependence on these objects that makes them plug-in drugs.I can't call TV a person's drug if he/she only spendens 2 hours max.a day in front of it watching news and maybe some TV series but if the content of the programmes he/she watches doesn't add anything to him/her but still he/she spends hours watching it, then it can easily be called as the plug-in drug.
3-I think Rushdie is correct to be alarmed because viewers always expect more.They will not be impressed if the same amount of action is there.They will want new thrills,more violence to be impressed.No matter how violent-thrilling-surprising a TV-show is it is a fact that people will always want more and it will result in very tasteless and obscene shows.Wanting more and making artists raise the bar is a very nice thing for musicians,film directors;it is very healthy but the same thing sadly doesn't apply to reality shows which are a waste of time.
4- I think Truman Show is a really brilliant and thought-provoking movie.Truman Burbank is the main character.His life is secretly being filmed and broadcasted around the world.In my opinion it is really a nice stab on our reality show obsessed culture.
1) I think Murray wants to emphasize the importance and necessity of telling truths public without any omission by media associations. Media is one of the most powerful and effective structures in terms of making people believe in something or not.People live their lives with media at any moment so through making public or illuminating some darkness, they could open eyes of individuals about what/who they should believe.
2) Yes. I have a lot of plugs-in drug such as mobile phone and laptop.In my opinion ,these devices account for a routine part of my life because nowadays we have to keep up with the pace of technology .Therefore we need technological devices such as mobile or laptop to achieve that. For example without laptop we can't be aware of breaking news and contemporary developments in the world.Moreover it's same with mobile phone, individuals frequently resort to mobile phones to communicate and manage their jobs.As a result of these certain justifications we couldn't see these devices as a threat to our lives.However the situation of TV is much more different than that I have stressed above.It generally serves the entertainments of people and proposes to pull more watchers before TV channels for ratings.Hence it wastes a considerable amount of time of people unnecessarily.
3) I think Rushdie is completely correct to be alarmed.In many states , most of TV programmes ever are designed according to hungers of public which is bored with stagnant mode of life.However there must be taken serious steps in order to prevent this orientation because these shows which don't pursue any educational goals began to damage the smooth structure of public. These shows enable people to edge towards dangerous events.For example the publishing and announcement of the conflicts among team supporters such as BJK and FB affect other supporters. These conditions drive them to hurt eachother.
4) Actually, Truman is the reflection of the people who suffer from constant interest of media. Particularly when the people start to see themselves as a star they think that they are at the top but it doesn't mean reality.Finally they understand where they are but it's late to seal the pains of disappointment.
**He thinks that TV can be a dangerous and powerful weapon to control people. Of course it is related to your education level.I am sure that most people watch TV for relax themselves and run away from life problems for just a couple hours. It won't be a problem if you be aware of that and want to watch still but the dangerous part of it is people who make TV their centre in their life. Sitting all day long and watching TV and maybe dreaming about the stars life will make you silly and disabled to think.
**I am sure there is no one here who don't use a mobile phone or laptop. But if we going to talk about a danger it can be for some people who is not very sucsessfull in their social life.(especially for laptop geeks) On the other hand, it is up to you to use your time.
** I think this is an issue that never can be solved.I am sure that we will talk about it if TVs contunious to exist. When you ask someone about the TV shows or magazine programs which interfere people's life or contain too wildness, they will say it is too annoying and they never watch. But the ratings show that these programs are the most watched ones. So, we shouldn't forget that media is take its form according to our demands and it will be more pain, more vicarious thrills if people keep watching these shows.
**The Truman Show(1998) is about a man who discovers his life is actually a TV show. Truman Burbank is a salesman who has a normal life. One day he realises that something is going wrong in his life and the reality is his life is a TV show which watch by millions.Actually, the truth is Truman was adopted bY the film companny and his all life is a fake. It is a film about the media which pass beyond the boundries without thinking people's notions and feelings.
1-) Murrow claims, media is trying to tranquilize people so they can reach more audience who are not questioning what they see on TV. A possible solution, in his viewpoint, is itching pills rather than tranquilizers. Murrow believes, heads of networks are not only responsible people but they should take some responsibility to come over this issue. Media should get out of commercial and political purposes and should fulfil its real assignments such as informing people and raising awareness.
2-) Yes, I have ,like most of us, and it is laptop. Mobile phone sometimes becomes a plug-in for me. Laptop, not really mobile phone, constitutes some problems. However, it has more benefits than dangerous. It is a routine part of my life thanks to being a Sabanci University student. I’m agree with Winn, TV is a plug-in for lots of people and constitutes really serious problem.
3-) Few people of course have realized this fear but lots of programs are still exist. I think Rushdie is correct to be alarmed because viewers are not going to be satisfied with present level of thrill and action. This is in human nature they always want to have more than they have and media is going to serve more programs to take attention more interesting one than before. There were different programs which were watched millions of people. When ratings of those programs have started to fall programs ended and another program similar to one before has started but there was little changes in program format. If this is not going to stop, our lives may be engaged in one of them.
4-)Truman lives in a lovely island. However, everything on this island except Truman is fake and he has been watched since his birth. Truman didn’t realise this until he saw his father.
1)He uses a quote from Heywood Brown in order to explain his doubts about the way people using the TV. He thinks that TV and the media should make people itch, so they could question policies, government and what is going on around the world, rather than just sitting on the couch, staring at the TV without thinking, judging, or reasoning.
2)I use mobile phone, laptop, mp3 player,tv etc. but I don't see any danger, if you not use them excessively. I am not dependent on them so there is no problem. TV could be a plug-in drug for some people, but I thınk that computer is a more plug-in drug for our generation.
3)I think Rushdie is definitely right to be alarmed because reality shows are getting more freaked out the day after day. Maybe eating raw animal meat was interesting a few years ago. Now the audience wants more. There are competitions, in which people eat alive insects or drinking organ cocktails. And this will go on until the government takes measures to stop people watching this absurd actions.
4)The Truman Show is about the dramatic life of a man who was born and grow up in a huge reality show studio. Everyone else in the city is fake, and he tries to run away from this fictitious life after he finds out the truth.
In his speech Edward Murrow is talking about his concerns with how media is putting us to sleep, making us uncaring and paralyzed. He thinks it should be just opposite where media is a tool of awakening and realization rather then a dulling device. According to Murrow that is the healthy and ethical way media supposed to be and that can only be obtained by a total different agenda.
About the "plug-in drug" concept that Marie Winn introduced, I think most of us have numerous plug-in drugs. For me its not TV but my MacBook and iPhone 3G:) I agree with Winn about the consequences of TV addiction. However I don't think her piece is accurate enough for 2008 (even though it was updated) since new mass communication devices are present such as computers. Therefore I perceive some of the degeneration she is discussing more as unavoidable neutral changes considering new standards.
It doesn't require 6th sense to realize the dramatic increase of action or rather say stupidity at TV shows that Salman Rushdie predicted. It's not only him who should be alarmed tho, it's anyone with tinniest trace of intelligence. Just turn the telly on to find the striking truth out..
1) Murrow says that people become calmer when they watch TV. policies can be questioned by the help of the TV.
2) Winn says that television used to put the family together when it was invented. children raring methods have changed and they waste a lot of time on watching TV. participation in church and community activities diminished. But now people got used to live in that way. i have my laptop, i pod and cellphone. I think i cannot spend a single day without using these technological inventions.
3) i think people were getting bored of watching thinks they cannot match with their lives. Because of this situation, they were interested in programmes that includes the ''reality''.
i think he is correct to be alarmed, with the help of these warnings, TV adjectives can think healthier.
For example, there is a show which is called ''Jackass'' first time i watched it i thought that it was funny but then it became really disgusting and things that they do are started to become more and more dangerous. they can die while they are doing the TV show, i am afraid :)
Truman show! i actually love this film. you can see that how can people kill someone when s/he was born. they dedicated years to watch a small child becoming older and older till he became an adult, it is not fare to waste a life just to make people enjoy the TV show.
1)the aim of the media should be to show people what is 'really' happening so that they would be aware of the world around themselves. But he has concerns about the objectivity of the media. he thinks people are not told the facts ant they do not see the situations from different angels. so they become unable to question what they see or 'itch'. even back then, he was complaining about how the media shows what sells not what needs to be shown and it is just sad that the same problem still remains.
2)as most of the young members of our time i have plug-in drug. i have my cell phone which i use a lot , my mp3 player i carry around everywhere with me and of course my laptop. well i hate to admit that i spend most of my time sitting in front of my computer but i think that i know when to say 'enough' to myself. Because i know the damage it can cause on people's communication skills. However i can not ignore the fact that it has a lot of benefits and is indispensable for me. so i guess people who is once used to using these plug-in drug can't do neither with them nor without them.
3)i think that Rushdie is right to be alarmed about that ridiculous reality shows. we watch people jump into a box full of snakes, try to unlock themselves from the box they are underwater or worse we watched them just do nothing in a house. as much as people watched them new ones popped up just like another and they got wilder and funnier. In turkey we have had so many programs like Big Brother or Fear Factor or worse that stupid marrying programs. I am afraid that one day (as in one of the plays in 'çok güzel hareketler bunlar' for who watches it) they are going to start a roulette competition to give the price who really survived.
4) The Truman Show is about a guy whose all life is a TV show but he doesn't have a clue. it shows us how inconsiderate the tv companies can be to gain money and how people live their lives over someone else instead of living their own.
1) In my point of view, the writer wants to emphasize the significance of the leading of media. Media has an intense power on people's thoughts thus, it should make people aware of what's going on in real life rather than make them a dull in front of itself.
2) I do not have a completely plug-in-drug on my laptop but i partly have it. But it is a part of my routine life and a necessity of my life. I mean it is not dangerous in terms of an "addiction".
3) I think the writer is obviously right due to nowadays' reality tv shows. To exemplify, in Russia there is a show whose aim is give money to ones who completed the competition alive!
4) The Truman show is a programme which based on watching routine life of a man without his knowledge. Truman has lived in a huge studio - where is look like a real city and life- since he was a baby, and he does not have an idea about this situation. But at last, he finds out it and makes a reaction.
1) Murrow wants to say that the media tranquilizes people by using its power. Bosses of media direct their organs so media emphasize only news that bosses want to show. Therefore, people cannot learn real facts, government policy and they cannot create an effective public opinion about this issues.
2)Yes i have plug-in drug like most of my friends. I use my laptop and mobile phone as a plug-in drug and i think they lead to really dangerous problems such as health problems. Also they cause waste of my time. TV is also a kind of plug-in drug since one part of people cannot control themselves and they forget their responsibilities when watch TV.
3)Rushdie is completely right for his fear. When we watch TV we can see immoral events such as violence, theft, killed someone in all series and movies. Media uses all of these to attract people's attention. Oddly, in Turkey government do not ban these broadcastings or only ban for under seven age. I think children will think violence or theft is part of normal life and this makes hard to continue peaceful society in next generation.
4)The Truman Show shows us everything could be fake and media destroy individiual's private life.
1)Media became an enormous evil at last years as it can control people easily and give the information as requested.It is not matter what is the truth, it is more important to make individuals pleased.Murrow is right to worry about media's affect on people.He prefers media to make people feel uncomfortable about the situation and do something at the earliest.
2)Like many (especially young) people in those days, I have also an addiction to my mobile phone.It is like a part of mine and whenever I forget it somewhere, I feel uncomfortable and can't go outside without it.The idea of not having it makes me ill.
I realized something that every people said that they had at least a plug-in drug and it was not dangerous.But I think the addiction to technologic devices harms our lives.At least they affect our health by radioactive rays.Many of friends (also me) said they can not live without these items and I think this is an enough reason to say that it affects our lives in a bad way.
3)We can simply say that the form of the shows are changing.For exaple in last years, there were programmes like 'Big Brother'.When people got bored of it, some little details had been changed and a group of women and men had been put in a house to get married.To get attention of society media of course manufactured new programmes and this time put a group of people in an island to make them 'survivors'.More examples can be given but the important point is how we can manage to be avoid of these programmes.
4)Truman is an ordinary man who have a peaceful life but he realizes something is missing.He seems to be happy but he can't do whatever he wants and something is affecting his life.When he learnes he is only one of the character of a tv show and every moment that he spent was a fake, he lost all the values of his life that he had.
This film may cause suspicion about our life! according to you, can you come to emormous studio as Thurman? Let's look around:)
I was also worried about being in an enormous studio after I watched the film:)but the impossibilty of creating such a big studio like Istanbul made me relaxed:)
1)First of all, the tremendous force of media on people is known very well and be used by many countries as a human control policy.actually i m in the opinion that there cant be any useful way to give an impact on people more than televisions, radios and newspapers basically more than media. it can be used as a tool which make people more aware about the situations which are happening around us as well as make people more illustrate and more massif who haven t any individual ideas and ideologies. as i mentioned, one of the impact of media can be itching people, make them more aware on world by give people the truth, which provides that every people can find their own ideas or create own ideas instead of giving the stereotyped tranquilized entertainments.
2) i m using mobile phone, laptop, and mp3 player and it pushes me question how the people lived in old times without that technology. even though there is a strong tie between my life and my tools sometimes i want to throw them out and stay without them for a while so i guess thats mean they are just routine part of my life. however one side of me agree Winn hardly. it s also known that a lot of people lost their dependence because of computer games and they skip their primary obligations such as take care children and house or jobs because of the series on television.
3)i think Rushdie is quite correct because as all our experiences show the tv producers will never stop to pass the line for rating, popularity and of course for money.consequently people keep to want more action, more thrills which is not exist in peoples lives (indeed the problem caused from that) naturally producers provide these wills and media erosion keep increasing day by day.
4)Truman is a television character who is playing in the biggest show in USA but the significant part is that the show based on Truman s life from his birth and he doesnt know he is living a life which is being totally watched. In the end by combining some signs around him, he realize that all his life, friends even his family is a part of a tv show. finally he escaped from the show island to real life. do you ask what we are thinking about the movie?
I don't have any "plug-in drug" in my life but inevitably i'm usnig the technologic stuff too much.when i see the comments about the second task, i see some people saying "of course", "sure" like all the other people" and etc. If you're comparing yourself with the students in the campus, i understand that, but in spite of technology's world-wide spread, actually there aren't a lot of people in the world who use lap top or ipod or etc.
Technology is not something that i can't give up like a drug, becace drugs are offered you and it's up to your decision to take it or not. but some technological devices become very crucial for my daily life. I agree with Winn that Tv is a plug in drug, but there are some reasons in the backround.According to me, the most important issue is the tranquilizer-effect of unimportant programs in Tv such as operas, reality shows etc. But i have improved a reason for it in my mind: If we think more superficially, i can say that addiction in tv is beacuse of life standard related with economy. Let me explain my theory.Let's think more genaral. The tv-programs are made not just for some minorities but for large amount of people. What is the largest group of people in a country? Of course the working class. Think about an ordinary work, a laborer for example. A man who works more that 10 hours every day for some money which is practically enough just for 4 throats. He comes back home exhausted and opens up a bier. Dou you think that you can let him watch a documentary film or a program about the national policy in UN? Come on, be more fair for this poor guy, he wants to relax and get a bit more comfortable, he wants to empty his mind, let all the taxes and rents to a side and relax. The best thing he can do is,as we have already guessed, to lost himself in operas, reality shows or whatever.My theory is of course open to discussion but however, i still think that it makes sense.
Summary of the Truman Show:
This film is about a man called Truman, who is a reality show star from the moment he's born on. the entire reality show is settled on his life and he's trying to understand and explore his life
Dilara, can you please include your surname? (I have more than one student called Dilara...)
I was very interested in Ceren's comment about her mobile: "The idea of not having it makes me ill." Can you explore this a bit further? What do you think is the reason for such anxiety?
I'd like you all to consider Arda's argument about a working class man...do you agree with this?
1)The writer says that tv should make people itch and perhaps make them uncomfortable to some extent. Tv does not help people get out of their comfort zone and this is a big problem. Programmes which sedate the audience's brains stay in the way of the audience and the truths.
2)Tv is my plug-in drug but I mostly use it to drug myself with series or the news. I actually think it is good for a person to have a plug-in drug if and only if they can create a balance between real life and the life under drugs.
3)I agree with this statement, I think we will come to a point where seeing someone die on tv would not satisfy us. It is in our nature to want more, expect more. With this kind of misdirection by tv, our hunger can lead to catastrophic consequences.
4)The Truman Show is a movie which illustrates one of the catastrophic consequences I mentioned above. We also see that people are happy with watching someone brush his teeth as long as it is on tv and as long as it is called "violating privacy".
I said not having the mobile makes me ill because whenever I don't have it, I start thinking about who's calling at that moment.I can miss some important events, maybe something bad can be happen and I won't reach anyone at the same moment.These kinds of ideas make me anxious so I'm always careful of losing my mobile anywhere:)
1) I want to focus on the point that, how media organs like tv abstract the attention of people and makes them blind. On even political programmes media bosses want to manipulate people's opinion accordingly they show what they want us to believe. Because of their own wealth interest, maximum audince means much more money. That's why after watching this programmes, it is really hard to come up a healthy precise conclusion.
2) As usual, in sabancı üniversity, most of us spent our times in front of laptop. It triggers chain of problems. Some of us start to communicate less with each other ( facing one another ). Generally their group activities diminish, If it is even exist :). Eventually it decreases the eye- contact communication.
Furthermore many people watch foreign tv series in a routine part of their tv watching time. At the end, not well educated people couldn't get aware that they have been draged into a path of cultural transformation.
3) Rushdie explicitly says that in tv programmes any person's life is revealed with all detail, include his/her private life. This makes audience excited and curious most of the time. Because of the fact that they may found something from themselves in that person's life or they wonder how far differnet their life style. Just like in Truman show, people feel both sadness and pleasure at the same time with Jim Carey because they gave almost same emotional reactions to the events.
4) In the movie, we figured out that people watch a man's whole life throughout cameras which were located nearly everywhere. The main purpose was make people watch the man's life and at the same time to make advirtesments of the things that main character using in his daily life. Anyway, I think this is a inhuman movie. Because the company restricts the man's life and manages it as they want.
1)Murrow wants to emphasize that media has power on power's life. Media is an important factor which helps to emerge the secret truths behind the body politics.
2)of course, I have a laptop, mp3 player... and all of these are a routine part of my life. People should use technological devices only for their benefits. If they are not addicted to these devices and protect the social relationship,technological devices will not be drugs for people.
3)Reality shows are like drugs and viewers want much more thrill and action, as they watch. For instance, the reality shows which started with Big Brother, convert marriage programs in our country.And today people want to watch much more pain,tears, etc. than yesterday.
1) I think that the object which is being tried to emphasize here is nobody has problems until they get damaged or feel disturbed from something.
2) Of course I do and unfortunately, I am a addicted of technological devices such as cell phones and laptops. I usually sleep with my cellphone and I always use my laptop. I talk with my friends by using my cell phone but I unfortunately guess my brain cells are getting damaged. Also my laptop makes me lazy and I do not want to move or something.
3)I think this fear was correct and we are facing with this fear today. TV channels are made to watch us useless programs which contain unnecessary violence or include useless knowledge. People getting more curious about for example famous or non-famous people's life. I don't know where can it be finish but this situation is very important problem of today.
4)The Truman Show is an amazing film. It is horrible to imagine that being observed 24 hours everyday. Truman is the main character of that film and he born as a TV star unconsciously. He learn the his life is an artificial life, Truman wants to leave this artificial world and artificial life behind and live freely at the end of the film.
1- As Murrow said in the text TV is like a tranquilizer and makes a person lazy which is a threat. Morrow prefers “itching pills” instead of tranquilizer. If TV contains more feverish programs, we will start to itch. For example; instead of reality shows and soap operas, there should be programs about politics which people argue about it a lot. Also, media’s aim should be showing realities and make people more aware.
2- Like others I use mobile phone, laptop and iPod. Using laptop has started to be like a plug-in drug since we have to check lots of things like mails, blog and SUCourse, these make us to use laptops a lot. A don’t see any danger but for example in holidays I feel something is missing because I do not look my mails, SUCourse or blog a lot as I compared it with now. Also, as Winn said TV has started to be a plug in drug since many people has TVs in their home now, if we think about 50 years ago, there were not many TVs like today. Also, I believe that this proportion will grow up every year.
3- I believe Rushdie has realized the fear that people will not feel like they are voyeurs and they do not feel guilty since it is TV show. Also, many people like watching these kinds of programs because there are too many Reality TVs today in many TV channels. We see them on the local channels , also channels like MTV.
4- The Truman Show is a movie which is based on the concept of reality TV. People have started to watch Truman’s life when he was born. In the film everybody is acting and pretending that they live their normal life except from Truman. He is the one that who is not acting, just living. They prepared a huge scene and make people act and they do same things everyday life. After a while, Truman realized everything and wanted the escape from that life.
1) What he means is that the media can persuade the audience to think on certain thoughts like politics and economics by various programs. Instead of filling TV with stuff which cause the audience to watch without thinking (less effort=tranquilizing), there should be stuff that makes the audience think. The simple example could be the open argument programs where two politicians from different views discuss the future of nation.
2) Yes, I have a very powerful pc which is capable of performing most difficult recent processes and it has a “plug-in-drug” effect on me like I want to play instead of getting to academic works. But also it provides me some sort of service such as entertainment and global communication via internet; just like iPod and laptop. I don’t consider such tools as danger, because a dependence on a media related tool is totally about the self-control of an individual and what I see as a “plug-in-drug” is a weak individual with no willpower. Defining more, someone with no proper education and aim will be guided by TV and at the end, there will be a transformation, an individual with no ability to question and to criticize, will arise if the watcher just watches with little brain activity, because in TV, tons of ridiculous stuff as well as editorial stuff take place, but it depends on the watcher to refine what is inside the box and benefit the most of it. Also, it should be realized that TV destroys the social life in different ways and causes “family rituals” to be loosen, especially by manipulating the way a child should grow(spending hours in front of TV instead of playing hide and seek?); but at the same time, it “spreads the culture” as stated by Marie Winn. So I do not agree with Winn that TV is a “plug-in-drug”.
3) What Rushdie mentions is that the aggression in media (blood, violence, death types visions) is so common that once, what people refer as impossible to be seen on TV, became kind of every night show and slowly began to lose its shocking and grabbing effects, because a necessity of renewal was born in order to keep the audience’s attention on these types of stuff. This renewal leads the limits of aggression to be taken to extreme and if it continues this way, there will be no limits and as Rushdie stated, in order to be famous and attractive, a massacre or mass destruction would be required. A recent example for violence based movie (simply, a media) would be the Saw Series which every time victims struggle to pass the extreme creative deadly challenges for survival and end up dead by great pains (except one lives).
4) The Truman Show is a Hollywood movie that sets the limit of media in relation to how far it can be integrated to the and in what ways it can manipulate the very first privilege that is creating your own life by no other means. The main character’s entire life is a written scenario which is represented as a television program.
1.He's trying to say that nothing is helpful and good until it makes you start questioning and thinking about the problems.In today's world media usually tries to empose us the ideas.When it starts showing the truth and starts being objective then the people will start itching which means they will start thinking.This is when media will start becoming useful.
2.I have a plug-in drug most of the time.It's almost impossible for me to leave without my laptop or cell phone.I see a great danger in it because like one year ago i was not even able to walk without having my ipod on and listening to music.It was so sad that i was addicted to something.And i think having a plug in drug is not so different from having an addiction to a chemical material.Because it it still so hard to leave your addiction and have an ordinary life.I agree with Winn that it is dangerous.However it is also a part of our lives and we don't really have anything to do about this problem.
3.I think this fear has been realised by some parts of the society.Because some people started protesting the TV and reality shows.However,most of the society who sre not educated enough are still not aware of this problem.I think he's correct to be alarmed.But i think viewers will continue to be satisfied with the present levels of action.As an example, if we think of a BBG star Ata who died because of a drug addiction,we see that people forget the things very easily.Because after his death producers kept doing reality shows and people kept watching them.They didn't see taht TV is dangerous or maybe they didn't really care abut that or who knows they may even liked it since it was a big new and gave them something to talk about.
4.Truman show tells a story of an ordinary man.He realizes some weird events happening in his life when he looks at the things.He feels like he's being watched and and some people are acting.Then he learns that he's actually been living in a TV studio island and filmed for a reality show for all his life.
1) Media should make people think about important issues. Instead of that, media shows people only the good side of the world. Murrow complains about media's effect on people, that it creates a society without the ability of questioning their lives.
2) In the past I was spending all my time in front of the computer or television, but in these days I take care of removing my dependence on technological devices. I think, it makes us difficult to have a good relationship with people. Previously I preferred to waste my time with watching TV or chatting or playing games instead of going out with my family or my friends. Unfortunately I still have a plug-in drug. I cannot dream of a world without my mobile phone.
3)Rushdie is right to alarm the people about media's effects on them. Even the reality shows of today include violence and immorality. I think, there will be more violence on TV. The reason for it is, that people like to watch these programs and that the owners of TV companies like earning money in this way without thinking of the effects of their reality shows on people.
4) Truman show is a film, which makes people question about the ethical side of the reality shows. There is a man, Truman, whose life is recorded, unless he knows it. At the end of the film, he realizes, that his whole life is fake.
1) Murrow claimed that people are going to become tv slave, because according to him tv has no feature which people use their mind to understand it. However, authorities don't agree with that. They want people always watch television without questioning or thinking about its content. Actually it's like a master-slave relationship. Therefore Murrow defend the idea that media must be an instrumental in making the people "itch". I think he is right because if people watch tv without thinking, there will appear an idiot generation
2)I have laptop and mobile phone and I have to admit they are dangerous thing for me which limit my life on their scene. Especially in sabanci most of the student use their laptop over five hours in a day, so it will become a risk for our physical health. With that aspect I agree with Winn. However I think we should know how to use them in order to make our life easier rather than killing our time in front of them. If we use them like that, they will become no more dangerous for us.
3) I think few people from media foreseen that there will be a problem about voyeurism of our life. However, I don't agree with Rushdie or someone else who have fear about voyeurism. I want to explain it with an example. In 2000 there was a program BBG which was like Big Brother of England. This program was the first for Turkish people, which is in the class of Rushdie's "voyeuristic" program. In the beginning, most of the people , also the elite part of Turkey, were watching it without missing even one part. However, day by day it began to lose its audience. Afterwards, there were appear lots of program like that but none of them became successful as first BBG. Therefore we can easily understand that these kind of programs is losing their attraction day by day and they can not be a fear anymore.
4)The Truman Show treat a very interesting issue about voyeurism. It shows us what could be the possible effects of voyeurism on one person whose entire life is a tv show which entertain people.
1.'' I would like TV produce some itching pills rather than the endless outpouring of tranquilizers''. Murrow indicates that TV program planners hide some realities or give different identities to reach largest audience also they think their market and profit. However, this situation creates a passive society because they believe without questioning some realities. Media gives impression like '' everything is all right'', but they have crucial responsibilities to give all of information instead of making drug effect. In my opinion, audience should be careful about their choices and stand up and think inquiry something.
2.I have plug in drugs too. Technology is very significant for me;almost my daily life is built up on some devices such as, laptop, mobile phone,i-Pod which provide several opportunities like reaching
knowledge in a short time, entertaining with my own way, fast
communication. Although the importance of them, I could control my usage limitation, therefore they are not dangerous for me or I am
not addicted to none of them. On the other hand, if these things move out my life in a long period, I would not accommodate myself
in this new formation.
3) Absolutely, I agree with Rushdie, because TV programmers
especially reality shows become more dangerous for society. He is
right to give alarm because people become more demanding for these
programmers. Also I think that reality shows turn people machine,
they only watch other life, beyond some limit these reach to ''voyeurism'' , because this become more attractive for audience,they easily run away their own daily problems,responsibilities.Moreover, these make relationships broken in society. For instance, in Turkey, reality shows and competition programs are more demanding and this creates deterioration on family relations.I think that media organs create these situations, they give audience these programs permanently under the title of '' community want to watch like these programs''. Thus, voyeurism becomes
normal in Turkey because every time they watch other's life, I also agree Rushdie's point, ordinary, even talentless people become popular doing nothing, and it is a big irony.
4)Truman show which mention about Truman’s fake life, is the best film to explain media’s power and how it manipulates public opinion. This movie likes metaphor for today’s people world. Media make people addicted, consumer and converts them into an object in order to utilize them for its benefits. Moreover, people become starving about watching other life, even in film if Truman would die, they could easily create other star.
1) I think he want to claim that media mustn't hide anything from the society, even it is an awful situation. Media have to encourage people to reach the right information and treat rightly.but firstly media have to make itself objective.
2)Yes I have, I feel myself a slave of my mobile phone and laptop. I think it is a common problem of the world and this situation can be disruptive for our social life. I agree with Winn about TV, because TV is the most easy way to reach entertainment or information.
3)I think Rushdie is correct on his thoughts because we saw many things on TV, under reality show format. I think we will see more because this action are becoming ordinary things day by day, they are not interested in same actions 4)the movie Truman show is about fake life of a man in a fake area. this movie can show us the dimensions of the reality shows industry and ethics of media.
1)he says that when someone watch tv with a comfortable mood, they don't percieve any social and political subject.
2)i use laptop mobile phone regularly and i don't see any danger they are just routine.i dont think that i have any plug in drugs. but i agree with Winn about tv.
4)The Truman Show is a movie that a boy, who is adopted by a TV Company for making a show of his life. everyting that he lives is fake.end of the film truman realize that.
1)Murrow says that the American media make Americans aware of the world, such as political events. Media try that the nation cannot examine what happens in the world. They don’t give enough information about social and politacal events
2)I don’t have any Plug in Drug, but i have to spend many of my time with my laptop, because we are doing our homeworks with laptop. Therefore i don’t think this is dangerous for me and it is just a routine of my life. I am agree with Winn’s idea. It affects the family life,but i think that when the tv is used efficently such as having information about the political or social events, but reality shows affects people negatively.
3)I think Rushdie has right to be alarmed, because media shows more violence day to day. People become insensitive about the serious violences and they don’t care about it.We may able to see while people are stabbing each other.Also there are many animated cartoon which teaches to children the violence,so they become agressive.
4) A man’s life which is fake and recorded for a tv show. He doesn’t know that he is an a show, but at the end he finds out that he has a fake life and wanted to escape this life.
* He is saying that media has to make people aware of the world. People should face with reality even if it is good or bad. If nobody knows the problem, who will be there to solve it? But unfortunately media keeps filling people's brains with empty things.
* I have a plug-in drugs, mobile phone, laptop, ipod. They are routine part of my life but I don't see any danger with it. I don't feel like I am addicted to these things. Also i think the problem with plug-in drug is exaggerated. I agree Winn about the TV and I do not watch TV, expect 1-2 series. Because when i watch it, i feel like i am wasting my time. But other ones are not like that. There is no problem but development of technology, if you can call it that.
*I think Rushdie is right. I am going to talk about horror movies as a horror fan. Earlier, it was easy to scare people, but now, if you watch a old horror movie, you would probably just laugh to it. It is not about the quality of the movie. The thing is, people get used to things. The level increases day by day. I, for an example, watch lots of horror, and the events in movies just an usual thing to me. Simply, as long as i watch bloody movies, seeing blood in real life (even if it is too much) will not surprise me at all.
* In the movie, called Truman Show, there is an ordinary guy whose name is Truman. But in his whole life, like he is in the studio, everyone watches his life. He does not know that at the beginning but finally he learns it and feels devastated.
1) he means that by watching fake events in TV people become itching to do political thinking. people become so lazy that they do not think deeply about anything. since there are more entertainment stuff then important things, usually people chose to watch entertainments. Important news become less important on TV.
2) I do not watch TV but I have my computer as a drug. yes I agree with him, computer or TV makes addiction. I do not like wasting a lot of time with computer but we are living in technology world (witch i hate) what else we can do. even our homework’s are on a blog :)
3) maybe a little part of the people who read this article realized. but a huge number is dying to see violence on TV. Rushdie is correct to be alarmed, but still people will continue with present level (increasing level actually) of thrills. I mean "jack ass" and all the same type of TV programs are just to feed these type of people. and people love those shows.
4) Truman is a common person, he's life is a routine one. turns out that his all life was fake and he is living in a TV show. all his private things are being watched by thousands of people. movie makes me think, this might happen in the future, big brothers and all other reality shows, people do these things while they know they are being watched. all those subjective programs, TV programmers might sacrifice a person for rating
1)Murrow says media organs should use the media in an effective way to sober the society about national and global problems, not using it like an opium for the people. "Opium" is a term means making people unconscious about the real truths and making them not judge what they watch. We can not ignore that high number of people's aim is to relax when they watch television programs, but when this action takes the center place of the whole activity, like Murrow's complain the problems begin there.
2)I don't think in the world, considerable number of people maintain their life without any of these technological devices. Yes, I have all of them that written in the question and addition to these my game consoles from a very early age of me. I don't wanna be without my PS console in my lifetime but I don't think it is a plug-in-drug because I can regulate my free time and can benefit from these devices in not an exaggerated way. So I disagree with Winn in some points, like family rituals, the quality of life. Yes, my video game console or ipod can separate me from the problems of real life for a little time, it doesn't affect me in an addicted way. Even when we talk about adults, television can not be a component of their family problems in a way which Winn argues.
3)Rushdie is quiet right about his determination about TV programs. Human nature requires always more for anything they want to acquire and it is true for TV programs actions. It must be demanding in the policy that contemporary media companies obey because they are always in an intensive competition in order to find and show original, more incredible things. Like "Jackass", "Survivor" etc. TV programs going more crazy. Also in Turkey, there is lots of programs which show the weird things such as cheating to have more rating from the viewers. In a recent movie named "Death Race" the voyeurism can be seen in a very harsh way. There is a race which a person who can stay alive around the prisoners have life sentence till the end of whole the race. I think Rushdie's determination can be deficient in the future if the media organs can not change their policy.
4)Truman Show is a masterpiece for showing us the whole voyeurism of us. It shows how can people's hunger can be more demanding like Rushdie said. I think the magnitude of the studio shows the magnitude of the voyeurism monster in people's hunger.
Murrow claims that media must be straightforward to the viewers. Murrow says that media's priority changes according to their profits, other than informing the viewers with the facts.
Staying all the time at the campus of this university of course i have plug-in drugs in my routine life. They became a big part of my life because of the time i spend using them. I don't see that my dependence to these objects will become a threat for me vice versa if we arrange our time using them it will be improvement for our lives.
Truman show is a movie about a man who has been picked up by a television company when he was a baby. His whole life has been broadcasted to the world, but he is not aware of this situation.
1) Murrow claims that TV programs and shows attracts people quickly and this may leads to a problem for people who watch these programs regularly.As a result of that media should makes people to question and critisize the programs.
2)I usually use my laptop and cell phone everyday. I think that they both can affect people especially laptops addicts people easily mostly in Sabanci. I both agree and disagree with Winn because if people know their responsiblities about how much or how they should use their technology it can be easy for them. However if people do not know where to stop this technologic issues they can not break off from these addictions.
3)I think Rushdie wants to warn people in right way because day by day TV programs contain more violence and sadness. People should aware of these programs and they should not support these programs and they should not give ratings to those medias.
4)Truman show was a very nice dramatic film. It shows the erosion of privacy of people lives and how media use this value for making money.However I love the dialogue, performances especially Jim Carey of course,musics of this movie.
1)He means that people should question the content that is presented to them, not just accept is as a whole. Since tv executives prefer fat and stupid audience which is composed of people who have nothing to do but to sit and stare in front of TV all day, he thinks this situation should change for the better. His opinion is that media should make people think and question the world they live in.
2)I sometimes spend too much time watching tv or surfing the internet. However, I start doing other things as soon as I realize that I've sat too much in front of TV or computer.
3)Reality shows are getting more hilarious as time passes, and now, even celebrities sign contracts to perform in reality shows!
4)The Truman show is a truly magnificent film where a poor guy name Truman one day realizes that his life was nothing but a stupid reality show for other people to watch.
Task 1) As I remember -because I read this text a long time ago- he says that media and TV could be good for people if it can accommodate to thinking to people. But American media does not do that. on the other hand, watching television make people benumbed. You cannot understand time. Moreover it may cause obesity. Because you sit in front of TV as potato sack. As you do not understand how time is passed, You can not realize how much do you eat.
Task 2) Yes I have. My laptop:( When I was 12-13, I was adhered my Walkman. I did not want to talk with people, I just want to listen music. But I am not too bad now. I only spend time with my laptop in my spare times. I really agree with Marie Winn about her text, especially the topic of 'Real People'. People lose their ability to communicate when they have 'plug-in-drug'.
Task 3) I think he is correct to be alarmed. When we compare with older times, people much more aware of others lives. The most private times can be public and shown by people. Also there is lots of perverse who take pleasure only by watching people's whole days. Another justification of this warning is TV series. The most watched videos on comprehensive video cites are kissing or copulative scenes from TV series.
Task 4) The Truman Show is a movie in which everything in his life consist of scenario. This film may cause suspicion about our life! According to you, can you come to emormous studio as Thurman? Let's look around:)
2- my drug is laptop :D
4-Truman show is very complicated and interesting film . film shows about ordinary person in world but after many time he realise that something interesting snd he learns that he is in tv show and he is most popular tv show actor we can see that all of the people cry with him when he sad or all people when he cheering . i think most funniest of the part is his clost friend he always talking loud and talk about a brand :D he can not understand why he act like that
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