After reading the short story carefully, discuss the following questions. Make sure to interact with your classmates by responding to, questioning and expanding upon their comments as necessary. You may also pose your own questions about the text which you would like others to answer. Your teacher will also participate in this discussion for the purposes of giving feedback and providing support where needed.
- Discuss the story in terms of its literary components: setting, theme, narration, characters, genre.
- Faulkner's works are known for their fragmented chronologies. What effect does the lack of a linear chronology have on this story? (How does it change the reader's perception of the events?)
- How did you feel upon reading the last line of the story?
- Discuss the symbolism of the rose - where does it appear in the story and what could the title mean?
- How challenging did you find reading this story? What made it challenging? Please be as specific as possible.
- Please choose at least one new word/expression you learned from this text and include useful information about it for your classmates (for example: definition, word class, word stress, useful contexts, example sentences and so on). Why did you choose to learn and remember this word/expression?
I would like to start off by mentioning that Faulkner called this "a ghost story". In what ways could "A Rose for Emily" be seen as a ghost story?
This short story is called as a ghost story, because it is based on characters, who don't exist. The story starts with the information, that Emily, the main character, is dead. It continues with the narration of her life, and her conflict between the real and the fictional world. She doesn't want to believe that her father and also Colonel Sartoris are dead. This causes a psychological problem, that she cannot be a part of the real life, without thinking of the ghosts.
What did he mean by calling a ghost story? What is a ghost story? As I don't know what he meant by term I decided to answer the questions in the blog.
1. The story's setting is ACW (After Civil War) Southern states. The setting is reflected by usage of words like "negro", fictional civil war characters (Colonel Sartoris and the references to battle of Jefferson.
2."It does not matter where we go. It is not the destination that matters. It is the journey." I think story reflect this quote. We know that the main character suffered a lone death by introduction, but story is written to answer the question why this woman was alone when she died. I think that the lack of linear chronology keeps attention of the reader alive.
3. I think that story foreshadowed a bit the death of Homer Barron. The connection between dissapearance and poison seemed apparent. I expected him to be found death in home. The shocking part may be about him being on the bed as a decaying corpse.
4. No idea! This is my question to ask others.
5. I can call it moderate difficulty.
6. Remitting taxes: freeing someone of tax burden.
It can be called a ghost story as we often observe the protagonist's contradictions within and the reality vs fiction. There absolutely is no certainty in the story overall. Throughout the story, we can't stop feeling gloomy and foggy.
1.Setting: Just after the Civil War. When things are trying to settle in this small southern town of America.
Theme: An old woman's tilting between reality and her delusions. How this has been annihilating her entire life and what led to this point.
Narration: Third person's point of view.
Characters: Miss Emily, her lovers and the town residents.
Genre: Short story.
2.Readers are obliged to figure out in which order the story is, and that means involving the reader's creativity. He's trying to arouse some kind of enthusiasm by doing so.
3.I don't actually know what I'm supposed to feel. I guess "I felt sorry for poor Emily" would be the appropriate answer.
4.If I'm not mistaken I haven't seen any "rose" in the story, but still there's a slight chance that I'm missing sth. The title "A Rose for Emily" can be interpreted to something like "Bidding her farewell"
5.I think this was an easy one, the story was easy to understand once we put the parts in chronological order. Though I must admit I had to look up in the online dictionary many times for the words I did not encounter before.
6.macabre : death-like, spooky, horrible, chilling!.
We've made a macabre discovery in the earthquake zone, seeing the bodies around and barely standing the smell.
I chose this word because I was supposed to choose a word to show that I've learned at least one new word and I have to sharpen my english if I want it to be perfect.
Your interpretations of why it is a "ghost story" are fascinating! I hadn't thought of the story that way before.
Let's think a bit harder about the setting...when did the American Civil War take place? When does this story take place? Faulkner leaves many clues. You're correct that it's after the Civil War, but how long after?
The American Civil war takes place between the years 1861 and 1865.It is hinted by the author that Colonel Sartoris remits Miss Emily's taxes in 1894 so the story takes place 30-40 years after the civil war.
-On why it can be called as a ghost story?
In my opinion this story is categorized as a ghost story because it takes place in a small town called Jefferson which doesn't exist in the real world. So it takes away the reality factor of the story.Taking place in a fictional place,the fact that the main theme of the story is death makes this piece a ghost story.
Miss Emily
Homer Barron
Citizens Of Jefferson
The Negro
Setting-The story is set in a fictional town called Jefferson.
Narration-The 3rd person who tells the story says 'we' while narrating it so it should be narrated by the citizens of Jefferson.
Genre-Short story
2-The not-linear chronology of this story makes it an interesting read(apart from the other factors of course).That way the readers are not focused on what is going to happen by the end of the story but more focused on the reasons why Miss Emily turned out this way.Still,the ending was quite a surprise.
3-While the authour gives hints about what may have happened by telling about the smell,it was still chilling and disturbing to learn that Miss Emily killed Homer for he was going to leave her and slept for a long time near his dead body.
4-I didn't get what the rose symbolizes but it probably has something to do with Emily's death.
5-While there are a few words here and there I didn't get the story is generally easy to understand.
6-Noblesse oblige:One should act in a way to conform one's position.With prestige,money comes responsibilites and one should act accordingly.
The words that have been defined so far are great choices!
By the way, the assignment is asking you to *describe* the characters, not just identify them. :0 How would you analyze Emily's character? The narrator's?
Miss Emily
Miss Emily is an aristocratic woman.She is the center of attention in Jeffersons because of her wealth,family etc.But she can't accept the loneliness after her father dies and.She comes from a family with members who think too high of themselves so no man is good enough for her.But then after her father's death she is with a laborer and kills and hides his dead body with her when she realizes he will leave her.She does this because she's that lonely and that desperate for love.
Jefferson Citizens
They look up to Miss Daisy in her days of wealth but after they discover her weaknesses as a person they start to critisize her.Like when she buys a poison they think it's for herself and it's the best for her to die.
Wow, Berke, that's some good character analysis!
The theme of this short story is loneless which sometimes can be so similar to death. In this story, emıly's loneless broke her off from the real life and her fictional world ,which includes her losts like her father, hold her.She became a living death too and that's why it can be called as a ghost story.
Miss Emily is actually a big romantic and also a weak person who prefers to live in a fictional world to run away from her problems. Her obsessions and starvation to be loved caused her to be alone in life and it made her more agressive to the real world.
I think rose smybolizes her passionate loves. Also, she was never be happy and nobody cared her much. I think the writer wanted to point to that and with giving her a rose, he wanted to make her feel to be cared and loved first time in her life.
This short story's setting is Southern America after the civil war.
I think ıt has a hard vocabulary and detailed descriptions about her house and town makes the story hard to follow with attention.
'A ghost story simply takes as a premise the possibility of ghosts or the belief of some character(s) in them.' Accoarding to this definition we can say that main character's attitude towards her lover makes it called a ghost story as she doesn't accept the idea of his death and endevaours to keep him alive.
1.The story takes place in a small town called Jefferson and we can understand that majority of the citizens know each other well because of the close relationship between them.
2.Fragmented chronologies make reader struggle to make connections between events and read more carefully.
3.I wasn't expecting that kind of
end and it made me feel amazed, also a little heartsore.
4.I only noticed the word 'rose' in the story, at the end of it when reading describe of the room where the death body lays and I think it is a symbol of Emily's hidden emotions.The main character furnished the room in rose color and maybe she shows her love in that way.
6.'to whom all the past is not a dimishing road but, instead, a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottleneck of the most recent decade for years' it is a gripping sentence and I only wanted to share it.:)
This story might be called a ghost story because of debating between real life and fiction and also Emily has not certain characteristic she is stobborn and narky.
setting: after the Civil War.
Theme: emily's life which is sometimes ambitious or greedy because her boyfriend didnt want to marriage with her.
Narration: 3rd person's point of view.
Characters: Emily, Homer Barron and the town inhabitans
genre: short story
2. ı guess this kind of chronology keeps attention and care of the reader alive.
3. ı m surprised at end of the story because I think Emily is proud and she is afraid of alone and lonesome but her neighbours didnt know that however they understand when they saw Homer on the bed I think Emily poisons him because she didnt want to be alone.
4. actually I really dont know what rose represent but maybe, in the end of story, she had Homer and she didnt suffer from love and she is happy because of this writer called A rose for Emily.
5. it has complex sentence and sometimes it is difficult to understnd.
6. august : it is a special name for valuable or holy person
I would like to emphasize on the powerful ability of the writer's on using symbolic words rather than real message. The narrator's point of view is also significant in interpreting this symbols.
I want to say something about Berke's comment. he said ,that emily can't escape her loneliness, but unfortunately i don't share the same idea. Loneliness is only a reflection of emily's life from the angle of the readers. Actually she suffers her fathers death and she feels mentally not ready to socialize herself with the community. Loneliness is just the result of it. I want to and one more thing: she doesn't escape her loneliness, because she chooses this way of life by locking herself in her house.
Setting: The story is set in a fictional town called Jefferson.
Narration: It is a third person who is a citizen of Jefferson.
Miss Emily, Homer Barron, the negro , citizens which live in the town.
Genre: Short story
There is a not linear choronolgy. Because of that reader can not focus on the story exactly. Reader understand the chronology of story at the end of the story.
First of all, i was try to imagine smell and the body of the negro, then i understand Emily's "love"
I think author give message by title. He try to explain Emily's trouble.
Unlinear chronology make it challenging. Reader start to worry about the end of the story.
6.I learned the second mean of "august"
Some of the points of this discussion are really excellent so far.
Hazal's character analysis and interpretations of the rose are very nice indeed. Ceren's ideas on why it is a ghost story are also fascinating.
Yağız, the negro servant did not die ;) - that was Emily's lover, Homer Barron, whom she poisoned.
In class I heard many interesting interpretations of the rose; keep it up!
I wouldn't call this story as a ghost story, in fact the story is extremely realistic. The War and its effect on the town were visible enough, the destruction of the nobility is so shocking. The fall of Emily, mentally, is clear enough. Even the murder and the dead man was so real. I know that Emily lives with ghosts, her father's and her lover's, in her head till her death. But my opinion is that the story doesn't seem haunted enough to be called a ghost story.
1 - Setting is after the civil war, in a southern town patching its wounds.
Main theme is decay and the death, not just a woman or family but also a society.
Narrator lives in that town, he always call the citizens by using "we", but he tries to narrate as a 3'rd person.
Characters are Emily, citizens, the Mayor and the negro servant.
Genre: short story
2 - Lack of linear chronology makes the story more complex and it keeps the attention of the readers. Because we actually thrilled by the route itself, not the end.
3 - The end was so predictable. So when I read it, it didn't make a such big impression on me.
4 - The appearence of rose doesn't seem to be that important but the signification itself is the key to understand the emotion in the story.
5 - I think that the story is easy enough. The main problem is that after Emily bought "arsenic", I lost most of my interest.
6 - august: having an aspect of dignity.
Deniz, do you really think it was predictable that Miss Emily had the dead man in her *bed*? Fair enough, you could predict that she had killed him, but necrophilia is a bit shocking, isn't it? And isn't it unpredictable that she loved him still despite murdering him?
Once again I feel the need to remind you: please ANALYSE the characters; don't LIST them - we know who the characters are! :)
Ghost stories are a kind of drama like A Rose for Emily. Both of them consist of tragic events.
The story tells the middle 1800's Jefferson where there was a conflict between Union (north) and Confederate (south) because of American Civil War. In this story, the inequality among Black's and White's can be seen. For example, Black people are called as Negro or there are some obligations just for Negro women.
The story's theme is Miss Emily's excessive passion to a man and how was her lonely life with sorrow of her father's death and belief of gaining a man with his death.
-Narration: Third person's view
Emily: The narrator says she carried her head high enough even when we believed that she was fallen. So she was a person that keeps her august while she is slowly losing her life behind her sickly mind.
Short story
2. Fragmented chronology in this story is sometimes harder to collect the happenings sequentially. Trying to figure out the situation that Emily is in becomes a little bit more complex. It doesn't change the readers perception of the event, it just force the readers to be more careful while reading. Maybe sometimes this kind of chronology can be more thrilling for the reader because you are expecting to learn what will happen next but suddenly the writer continues with the previous event.
3. Emily had been sleeping Homer's death body for so many years, this was really unexpected.
I didn't understand when I read last line. In the one part of the story her neighbors were complaining about the acrid smell but then mysteriously the smell went away so how this smell of his decaying corpse in the bed can go away?
4. A rose can seem quite ordinary but in fact sometimes a special person can bring it sense. At this time a rose can reach eternity with its meaning. Miss Emily gives the meaning of a rose to her love's body. She can look at him whenever she wants, like a rose that belongs to herself. The love and passion of Emily take form with his death body like a dried rose...
5. It would be hard to understand whole text, if I didn't use a dictionary.
the story takes place in Faulkner's imaginary town 30-40 years after Civil War.
Emily comes from a family which was wealthy once and they thought they were higher than everyone. Even after loosing their money and prestige in town her dad still thought that no one was good enough for her. after her father's death she gets more isolated from the town and the people which makes her so lonely. But the fact that she falls in love with a northerner makes her stuck between his dad who wouldn't approve the man and his desperation for love. so she can't let the man leave and she kills him. She creates herself a fake and fictional life where she lives happily in her loneliness and insanity away from the world outside.
Faulkner's disordered chronology makes you confused while you are reading the story. one minute you think you figured something out and then you realize that you misunderstood. on the other hand it may have an effect on reader that arouse their attention.
the story was difficult to read because of Faulkner's vocabulary and the chronological order.
Gökçen, be careful: this story takes place after the Civil War, as Göksu mentions.
Gökçen also asks how the smell of the decaying body went away. Have a look at the paragraph where these lines are found: "They broke open the cellar door and sprinkled lime there, and in all the outbuildings" and "After a week or two the smell went away." Lime kills the smell of rot.
Do you think it's strange that the townspeople didn't suspect a dead body?
Yes, they sprinkled lime but i didn't think it kills all the smell because they don't sprinkle it directly to the rot.
Sure it's strange that the town people didn't suspect a dead body but they couldn't even ask Emily to clean up her house in spite of the complaints. I guess even thinking about this kind of suspicion against the Colonel's lady was so much for the town people so they ignored it.
it is really strange that they did not suspect Emily killed the man. I mean after the arsenic and the smell they should have picked up the pieces but as gökçen said they must have chosen to ignore.
a rose for emily story takes place in one of the southern part of US. this story is about emily's need of love which leads her a deep loneliness and she lives day to day more unrealistic life. narration is from the third person's view. I am agree with deniz this story is not a ghost story. emily lives with a dead man body. It seems scary, but living with a dead man body makes this stories genre ghost story. I think style of a not linear chronology makes reader focus on a story because story shows its characters and actions of characters in different time periods and it becomes more interesting to read. ıt increases the curiosity to the story. a rose'structure and shape is complex, it can explains the hidden emotions which people hides them from other people. hidden emotions always in the inner side of people. i think story is easy to read, but i concantrated very hardly on story and it made me bored. i dont know why this happenned
It is possible that actually did not kill Homer, we don't know what happened with that arsenic, maybe the servant of the house did it, what i'm saying is the author doesn't come to a clear conclusion.
Here is another issue i'm curious about: at the end of the short story we learn that the people find a pinch of hair near the dead body of homer.this information is maybe a clue for us about a fight for survival between to people. I don't know wheather this has anything to do with the arsenic, but if you are is such a case that your life is danger,aspecially in physical cases, you desperately try to get rid of it, and maybe homer and emily hade a physical fight and during this happens, homer grabbed the hair of emily so tight, that he cut away some hair for emily..
Arda, don't you think it's most likely that the hair was left by Emily's head on the pillow as she slept next to Homer's body? "Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head." That seems pretty clear she was resting her head there. It would be difficult to pull out only one hair in a fight, wouldn't it?
But I agree that Faulkner leaves a lot of the interpretations as to what happened to Homer up to the reader.
I think Gökçen made an excellent point about the townspeople - they must have chosen to ignore the evidence because of Emily's august name.
Alkan, the narration is actually first person - the narrator uses "I" and "we".
The story takes place in Southern part of America where civil war newly finished. As we read the story, we can figure out that after the war southern states undergo some changes. Like the companies which come from northern states. ( Homer Barron )
As all of you empahasied such a significant point that Miss Emily's life started to change on an opposite way. She keeps going to her life with a little feasibly communication with townspeople.
At this point the most interesting thing is that Homer and Emily met at this time. We see that she never established a mutual communication or talked more than she needs with someone. So how come they could be familiar like this.
The setting of the rose for Emily is a small town in southern of America but it is a fictional town named Jefferson. In my opinion, this is the reason why William Faulkner called a ghost story because if the town is fictional then whole characters based on imaginary of the author. Also story passes after 40 years than the civil war. Some of the friends wrote that the theme of the story is death but I think this short story is all about love because she killed her love ''the negro'' and herself because of her passionate love so she can sleep with him in peace without comments or opininons by villagers about this impermissible love.
I've learned the other meaning of august from this story and the genre is a short story as I told.
1.I think narrator of story is a person from the town. He/she does not know or see everything in the story. Emily is a very depressive character.
2.Faulkner sometimes used flashbacks. He does not tell the story in an order.
3.it was so interesting story. Emily "Necrophilia" she loved Homer Baron's corpse and slept together with it! Emily liked a ghost! maybe because of that it is called a "ghost story".
4.I think the "rose" represents Homer Baron. Emily thought her lover was a faded rose like a dried rose that we can keep inside a book. Also Emily's bedroom decoration was color of rose.
5.It was a challenging story because at first i can not understand what happened. There were a lot of new words.
6.Eyesore among eye sores means unpleasant
Coquettish means flirty. ıt is like the word "kokoş" in Turkish :)
I have question why Homer does not love Emily? I read that “he liked men”? What does it mean?
Ezgi and Sami, your discussion is very interesting, but be very careful about assuming Homer was gay. Faulkner says only "Homer...liked men, and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks' Club...he was not a marrying man." Critics do argue over this point, but remember the context: a small Southern town after the war. Miss Emily comes from an aristocratic family. Most likely Homer would be confined to "respectable" activities acceptable to the townspeople were he to marry Emily, when he really enjoys drinking. Since ladies don't drink, that leaves him in the company of men. Remember that he is a labourer, probably uneducated and used to hard work and hard drink.
This story must be a ghost story because the happenings in the story did not really exist or they are exaggerated. Makes people feel stressful while reading even though they do not really believe that it is happened in the real life. If we think further, we people usually do afraid and feel stressed when we talk about ghosts even though we do not believe that they exist.
"rose for emily" is a short story that explains one womens life called " miss emily" in my opinion burying his father at home may divert this story to ghost story because his soul may be in the house...
1.The setting: after civil war and south of U.S
The theme: death.
Narration: third person point of view
Genre: Short story
Emily:The main character of the story,very eccentric person,depressive,had an aristocratic family and effected very badly from her father's death
Homer Barron:Lover of Emily,doesn't care about Emily enough and probably killed by Emily
negro(Tobe): Servant and mostly Emily's only compenion,very quiet, doesn't speak a lot
2.Since he has a lack of chronology,the reader is usually confused about time and events.It's bad because it takes more time and effort to understand story.On the other hand,it is good because it makes the reader read the story more carefully and analyze it better.
3.It actually made me feel really digusted learning that it was a head,it also made me feel really sorry about Emily.
4.Rose seems to be a beautiful flower however you can't touch it very easily because of its thorns.Rose shows the situations which seems very nice but actually not very easy.
5.I didn't find the story very challenging to read,the language was clear and easy to understand.The only problem was story didn't have a linear cronology.
I found this word interesting.Because although i know most of the words about body interesting i've never heard this one.
the story takes place in southern of U.S. (in a small town) after the Civil War.it tells about Emily and her sad love story.the narration is the first person because there are words like "I" and "we". miss Emily:she can't accept the loneliness after her father dies and she can't find a good enough man to her.she hide her father dead body because she was lonely and that desperate for love.the story was easy to understand when reading it in chronological order.but i used dictionary several times.
Setting: The story takes place in a small town called as Jefferson and after American Civil War that had lasted nearly 4 years between Northern and Southern states.
Theme: There is a combination of arrogance and loneliness that reflect the lifestyle of Emily.
Narration: There is a third party who looks at events from a neutral perspective.
Characters: a) Emily who doesn't accept the apathetic attitudes of Homer Barron who is also her boy friend and whom she poisoned due to her arrogance and pride. After that , Emily has cut her relations with outside and citizens.
b) Citizens who are very curious about why she has cut relationship with outside and what kind of developments would emerge in Emily's life. They also put an enormous pressure on the life of Emily without caring that how this would affect her life?
c)Homer Barron who is assumed as a guy man by outsiders because he always has drank with young men and was not a marrying man. On the other hand, all of them was assumptions , not truth.
I think the way Faulkner has followed as writing story could lead to some misunderstandings and ambiguities in story. While readers concentrated on a scene and made anticipations about its upcoming parts, lack of fluency and incoherence in terms of chronology make people to challenge with setting up a connections among scenes. On the other hand, making readers confused could enable them to look at developments from a broader and specific perspective that leads to richness and creativity in story.
I'm not surprised because Emily who came from a noble family and was not familiar with loneliness, did not want to be alone. So even if there is a dead body in her bed , she doesn't want to leave that body. Furthermore, she could take care of the thoughts of outside against who she doesn't want to be ashamed.
In my opinion, the rose has been likened to Homer Barron. It was Emily's who loved his lover , Homer very much and preferred to kill and hide him in her bad rather than being forsaken by him. In conclusion we could also anticipate that the dried rose carries a significance for people and reflects their memories. Here also the death body means a lot of thing for Emily as rose does.
I think the author has used very specific words in order to make deeper the meaning and message of story however it made readers at least me struggle with definitions of words that author used. But although I have benefited many times from dictionary , I did understand the message of story.
Eye-sore means something that has never been admired and appreciated by someone.That makes people displeased in order to do something.
*Setting: After civil war, and all story settled in small fictional town called Jefferson.
*Theme: Story’s theme depends on Emily’s lonely and sad life.
*Narration: I think narrator could be in town or one of her neighborhoods. Also story is explained by 3rd person.
*Genre: Short story
*Characters: The main character of story is Miss Emily. She comes wealthy family and her father is important figure for her. After she lost her father, she became depressed and decrease their communication to other people.
Homer Barron (Her lover)
Jefferson citizen.
2) Chronology is not going on direct order and passing time lines are not clear.It also makes story more complicated, therefore readers should pay attention to catch details about story.
3) Last line of story was not striking to me, because I think there are enough clue for me to predict ( like bad smells of house). Also reading too much Agatha Christie might help me =)
4)I think that rose symbolizes the keeping memories alive, because Miss Emily rejects to changes and she tries to keep everything in her way. Also slept dead body of her lover is a key point for understanding her mood or her approach.
5) Language of story is clear enough for me to understand, but also in some symbols and chronology make analyzing text little difficult.
6) Meaning of ‘’noblesse oblige’’ became more interesting for me. It means that the obligation of member of the nobility who are wealty and upper class of society.
1&4) The part where she repeats “see Colonel” describes the situation, because she still thinks that she lives in a past town where Colonel still lives, which means we belongs to past and the community still respects her but at the same time, expects her to adapt. An example would be the part where a man pressures on judge to clean Miss Emily's house. So we see a woman fading by the modern community. Also, we learn that Emily looses her father and was sick for a certain time (“SHE WAS SICK for a long time. When we saw her again, her hair was cut short, making her look like a girl”). So we see a woman with no adaptation and with no emotional support, presumably living the last couple years. I think the rose is symbolic as a gratitude by the community to show the respect and reputation Miss Emily created within the town. Also, rose is given to woman to indicated the bond between giver-receiver. Another theme would be the discrimination of blacks, although it's not focused, the words “nigger” and “Negro” points on the low-status of African immigrants withing the community. As of narration, we see a respectful woman who belongs to past and therefore has difficulties withing the community. The loss of father also weakens her and at the end causes her to commit suicide. The diction is explained in second question.
2) There isn't a linear chronology here, because first the author talks about the first generation majors who gratitudes the charity by Emily's family and than he talks about the future generation majors. As story continues, the author refers back to ten years and eight years earlier: For example, “since she ceased giving china-painting lessons eight or ten years earlier.”. Another part would be where Emily repeats “see Colonel” when the visitors came for taxes and she still thinks she lives ten years earlier. (The Colonel is dead for ten years.). This, past interferences, mixes up my mind and hardens me to get the main theme by the. For example, why author puts the line “A neighbor, a woman, complained to the mayor, Judge Stevens, eighty years old.” just after she vanquishes the visitor?
3) I think the last line says that by the death of Emily Rose, she unites with the man she holds the love “ we saw a long strand of iron-grey hair”. It also reasons why the smell stays within the house for all the time.
5) The story was challenging in sense of its diction. There are certain words which prevented me to read in a fluent way and caused me to read over some parts again. For example,
also the length of sentences seem long and the phrases which describe a happening include a lot of words i couldn't understand. For example, “On a tarnished gilt easel before
the fireplace stood a crayon portrait of Miss Emily's father”. I see there is a description but i can't visualize it, because i don't know what “tarnished, easel and gilt” mean. Everytime i check the dictionary, i loose my intention to read the story.
6) “if she demanded more than ever the recognition of her dignity as the last
Grierson; as if it had wanted that touch of earthiness to reaffirm her
imperviousness”. I think this phrase is the literature style to say the she doesn't fear from death, ignoring her respected status among the town.
Actually in my opinion this story can be called as a ghost story because the characters of this story do not exist indeed. A Rose for Emily is a short story and explain the main character Emily Rose's life. Emily doesn't accept the death of her father and Colonel Sartoris. This stituation causes psychological problems. Emily can not become adapted to real life. She always thiks about ghosts. that she cannot be a part of the real life, without thinking of the ghosts. It evidence that this story is a ghost story. Morover the setting of the story: after Civil War in a small town Jefferson. Genre: short story. Narration: viewpoint of third person.
Actually in my opinion this story can be called as a ghost story because the characters of this story are not exist indeed. A Rose for Emily is a short story and explain the main character Emily Rose's life. Emily doesn't accept the death of her father and Colonel Sartoris. This stituation causes psychological problems. Emily can not become adapted to real life. She always thiks about ghosts. It evidence that this story is a ghost story. Morover the setting of the story: after Civil War in a small town Jefferson. Genre: short story. Narration: viewpoint of third person.
emily is an aristocrat woman, and she had live a psycological problems after her father died. also after she is with a laborer she kept the dead body of him in her house. so we can realize she really affraid of loneliness.
A rose for Emily is a short story. Themes of this story are loneliness and death. This story is set in a fictional town which called Jefferson. Narration of this story is a third person and characters are miss Emily, the negro, Homer Barron, Citizens who live in the same town.
Fragmented chronologies make story more interesting so people read this text made carefully to find the connections.
I felt sorry for poor Emily when I learned that miss Emily killed Homer and slept with his dead body.
I've never heard the word "locust".
Setting: a town called Jefferson
Genre: Short-story
Theme: Loneliness
Narration: 3rd person
To mention of characters; Emily is a lonely woman in depression who lives in Jefferson, other character have not big roles in the story but to explain shortly; Negro is the delivery boy, Homer Barron is her lover, Colonel Sartoris mayor who helps Emily and there are other citizens.
This story is a ghost story because the characters are not real. Actually I could not understand when/which characters are dead expect Emily and her father. Fragmented chronology has a good effect on the story. Because of the complication of time, and when the death is prior problem of the story , it increases curiosity while reading it. I did not feel much upon reading last line of the story because this kind of ending was so predictable due to lack of linear chronology. In this story, when we look as a whole, events are easy to understand but i have to admit that i used dictionary too much while reading it.
Glance: quick look.
A rose for Emily can be catogorized as a great story because the people in the story are unreal. Also, we can easily see that Miss Emily is stick between the reality and her delusion. We can prove this by looking at the end of the story. Miss Emily was sleeping with her death husband and I think she proves that she is insane.
1. Setting is just after the civil war and the story takes place in Jefferson. The stories theme is death. Narration is third person. Characters are Miss Emily, Homer, negro, people who are living in Jefferson. Genre is short story.
2. Firstly reader may get bored, because they may not understand the content of the story at the beginning. After the writer explains it in a different chronology, people get understand the story and they may enjoy and interested in the story. It makes the story more attractive.
3. I surprised when I was reading the last line. I did not expect like this end.
4. Rose is a beautiful flower, however it may be hurt because of its thorns. In that story, the occasions could seem nice from the outside, but they may be very different.
5. It was not challenging, it was easy to read. However I lost my interest in the tax part, I think it is not relevant about the story.
6. stumble: trip or momentarily lose one's balance
1) The main character is Emily who is depressive and extraordinary. The death of father and lover seem like a big influence on her psychology.
Homer Barron (Death): Lover of Emily.
Negro is black people who migrate from Africa.
2)Faulkner does not choose a linear chronology and it cause confusion in story. In one part of the story, Faulkner look past approximately a decade ago. However, we learn some memory about past by looking past. Memories fill the blanks and collect the puzzle
3)I'm afraid when I read the end of the story.
4)Rose generally is associated with love so Emily probably try to show her love with colour of rose.
5) A linear chronology could make story more easy understanding. Moreover, I don't understand the last part of story and I read again and again.
6)macabre: describes something that is very strange and unpleasant because it is connected with death or violence
At the short story A Rose for Emily a third person narrator tells the readers about the life of main character of the story Emily. Her relationships with her father, her lover, and the town of Jefferson ,and the horrible secret she hides are informed to the readers.
The setting in "A Rose for Emily" is Faulkner's fictitious post-civil war Jefferson, a small town in the deep south of the United States.
I found the story easy to read but sometimes it became hard to understand because of the symbols like the Rose that told in the story.
Vanquish is one of the words i learnt from the story, it means defeat but vanquish is much stronger word to use.
1.The story is being told in American Southern states after civil war. Whole story is about an old woman and narrated by third person view that reader has an aspect of person who is not inside of the story.
2. Faulkner's fragmented style is kind of strange but I think in this story he achieved with attracting the reader.
3. I was a partly surprised when I read the last line of the story and feel a kind of shame for her.
4. Actually I don't get the meaning of the rose and what it symbolizes but may be it has a meaning like a love for her.
5. I think this story is not easy to read and understand its main idea but when we discussed about some symbols and characters something in my mind became more clear
1) Firstly I like this story. Theme is very good because there is lots of psychological situations; extreme addiction and interdependence between father and daughter led to lots of terrifying outcomes such as lack of love, isolation from people and life. Narration is completely good, it does not ordinary because it is not only scary or not only psychological. Moreover it was fluent.
2)I really enjoyed from this style but after somewhere, you can guess majority of events. But chapters make story enjoyable.
3)I understood that she slept with him but I have guessed that before the last line.
4) Rose can mean lots of things but in this story, it associate with Emily's soul and independence. I think everything caused from her sensitivity and romanticism. The rose my symbolize that.
5) sometimes I tried to skip some sentences but thanks to fragmented chronologies, I had to understand everything. It does not easy and does not too hard I think.
6) imperviousness: It may be hard to pronounce that. but here there is red line under my word. Isn't it correct?
rose as a symbol show us emily she loves her father but her father put presure to her and as a result ahe became introverted and symbols dried rose
This a story, which was written after the civil war. I think in this story Rose is a symbol of the love. Emily found his love and her rose will never fade.
1) It is a short story and 3rd person narrator. It was written after the Civil War
2) I tried to guess what will happen next but I couldn’t, it sometimes makes interesting to read.
3) I did not understand it clearly, but I read others’ comments and I got different views.
4) I think it does not symbolize one thing.
5) After we discussed in the class, I think the story was too symbolic.
6) August.
1.miss Emily: miss Emily is a strange character. she was raised under a great pressure. her father has a strong father image which made miss Emily different than the other women.
miss Emily's father: he is a strong authoritarian father. in the story, when the reader sees the portrait of the father and daughter, readers can see how powerful is her father with the horsewhip and their positions in the table
residents of the town: they are more modern than miss Emily. they watch weird things happening around the town about miss Emily.
1)The setting is the after civil war era where America is in a recovery from the hard times of war.
2)The ending was surprising and the mixed chronology made me confused a little bit.
3)I predicted the death of Homer Baron but i was quite surprised to find him rotting.
4)Rose symbolizes a person who is very beautiful but so hard to have, because of the thorns.
5)I didn't have that much of a hard time since I was familiar with the chronology.
6)macabre: horrifying, scary event or thing.
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